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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. Hey Chris! Drive on down to VA this w/e. We're having our DZ's holiday party and premiering the SDV year end video that J and I have lost many hours of sleep working on. You're badass-badfish self is in it in several segments. Come on - it's only what - 7 or 8hrs on the road. As for Christmas gifts, I want more time off. I also want ski pants. I'll keep any other wishes to myself so they will hopefully come true.
  2. I feel very bad for your situation. I'm sure you'll figure out the path you are supposed to take with time. Skydiving will always be there. You will regret it if you don't take your time now in figuring out what you really want and what will make you happy in the long run. My ex boyfriend hated my skydiving. It wasn't because of the time, the danger, or the money. It was simply because I had something that I enjoyed in my life and he did not. He resented that. The relationship was already unhappy. Whatever you end up doing, I hope you are both playing fair. Since I don't know you, her, or any details, I can't assume anything, obviously. I just hope she is not forcing something on you that is one sided. You don't do that to someone you love. I wish you all the best.
  3. Happy Birthday Alli!!!! I hope you are celebrating in style. I don't think I know Brian - but happy b-day to you too!
  4. Puerto Rico Boogie! Feb 9 - 13 Me, my man and some others donkeys from my DZ are heading there. RW Organizing by Guy Wright CRW w/ Mike Lewis Freefly Organizing by Monkeyclaw
  5. oooo... a vibrating hug - i feel better now. no more trips until the puerto rico boogie in feb.
  6. I am hurt Jake. I don't know if I can get over it. ha. yeah - me too. i could rattle off a bunch of girls, and some more boys, but i'm sure i would accidentally leave some out. but i can def say mel is #1 and i don't think it would be argued, or anyone would feel bad. for the boys - just sucking up ( ) to the ones from the recent trip, though i left ian off. opps. but then that would mean i left off katie and dee and shannon and alli and......
  7. hey! i mentioned you too you know. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1367470#1367470
  8. Good point. I nominate jmfreefly as the hottest man. And he has the best ass. Honorable mentions: ccowden, gimp, and volo
  9. I'll third it. Mel* is one of the most beautiful people (inside and out) that you will ever meet. There are many others, but Mel has #1.
  10. my boyfriend and i are in the process of putting together our year end video for our dz (to premier at the holiday party dec 11). we have about 14 segments for this years and finished working out the music this AM. some of my favorite song choices we are using this time around are: Muse - Hysteria U2 - Vertigo Oakenfold - Ready Steady Go
  11. Well, we go to West VA for that! A group from our DZ rents a cabin / condo every winter (well for the last 3 years) at Snowshoe mountain. We are heading out the 3rd weekend in Jan this year. Got a nice cabin complete with hot tub. We've got a snowboarding instructor (he will be by then) in our group. We might have room for one more Dee....
  12. DEE! You are such an amazing girl! You have been through so much in the last few months and you just keep on truckin'. You rock!! Keep that holiday cheer. If it's cold and hot chocolate you want, we get that in VA too in the winter. We've got lots of good wine too. Come on up!
  13. this has been on my list for years - but no one ever gets it for me. actually, i don't want much. i want some time off work, some good food, and quality time with the love of my life, and my family. oh - and the shrek2 dvd.
  14. hahaha... you're a funny guy, bolas. thanks (i think) for the visuals.
  15. i know!!! took us how many tries to get the pic right? hahaha... we'll need to do it again. i had a lot of fun in the parking lot that fri night.
  16. Nope. Avis says no one turned it in - so someone that works for Avis in ATL or someone that rented the car, is the owner of a camera that cost me over $400 and my awesome ATL pics. Luckily, I delete any nude / incriminating photos from the flash card any time I leave home with my camera. Phew.... So - I bought a new camera. Got it for $100 less - but still - ouch.
  17. all i had to do was ask alli for one nicely. i feel very lucky. (note jonathan in the background taking pics with my camera. whoever stole it, surely kept those pics. ) jake - you are due for a favor for taking so many pics for the pms ladies. i'm sure some of us could reward you - and get you a pic to remember it.
  18. Not the whole time! I already explained to Ian that we are well behaved when visiting a new DZ for the first time. We are not nearly so well behaved at home.
  19. yeah baby! hahaha.... although i picture ian sitting and waiting like a good boy. shame on him. need to get you guys to stay with us if you head up this way. i think it could be..... fun. go have some fun!
  20. Maybe it's cuz it looks SMOKIN' on you girly!!! While white does = brave since stains are almost impossible to keep off it at all times, it certainly does look good.
  21. but i just love.... "Love, the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket. Like the lost catacombs of Egypt only God knows where we stuck it." ahem. going to step away from the forums for a bit now.
  22. I did always kinda like the Bloodhound Gang's "The Bad Touch" too. Along the same lines as fucking like animals. Works for me.
  23. How come when I picture this - it's all in slow motion?