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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. HAHAHA!!!! No - but since I'm not jumping this weekend, might be a good weekend to dig into the 'cookie jar'.
  2. bkdice


    ouch! thats a bit more than i usually spend for sushi. however, being a food snob, i've spent $350 on dinner for 2 before, so i'll dish out some extra $ from time to time for good food. not as often since i've been skydiving though.
  3. bkdice


    Me too! I LOVE sushi! Love me some sake too!
  4. hey katie! go naked with body paint! for the paint colors, i suggest purple and lavender.
  5. if my boyfriend felt that way, i'm not sure keeping him happy would be on the top of my list. seems like you have a lot to learn.
  6. that IS a shame! ok - everyone back to Atlanta! lets do it again!!
  7. I had pics of you girly. Whoever has my camera has a shot of you and Skymama, you and Chris, you me and.... I think Mel. I had 3 or 4 pics of you looking damn good!
  8. You'll have to come next year Rosa. This boogie was probably my absolute favorite of the year (followed closely by the Stash Jam). I will DEFINITELY put this one on my 2005 list!
  9. I've always been happy. Even though my container came w/o the cut in laterals I ordered - it was fixed within 7 days by the manufacturer. For colors - it is a good idea to get swatches. I do now after my boyfriend's experience. His colors are navy blue, royal blue, and yellow. His newest BM suit was supposed to be mostly navy blue. Unfortunately, their idea of navy looks nothing like any of the navy blue stuff he has. It has more green in it and doesn't match at all. He's SOL. So - when it comes to colors - def get swatches.
  10. looks like you both had a little fun. congrats, best wishes, and all that good shtuff.
  11. haha! anytime. you girls were actually very quiet when you tiptoed in both nights. i wish i could have seen you crawling on your hands and knees so you wouldn't trip over anything. i try love you lots shannon!! i hope it's not to long until we get to play again. maybe we'll get to jump together even! xo *** update on camera: no one turned it in. i'm still putting pressure on avis - but it's looking bad.
  12. getting mentioned in 2 of the 'melstarr-super-superlatives" totally makes up for being so uncool in high school.
  13. just got back. from the time i parked, walked in, checked in, voted, and was back at my car was less than 10 mins. :-)
  14. me too! i went in 2000. interlaken is such a beautiful place.
  15. those are great chris! i notice you did your best to jump with the girls! i can't begin to tell you how much fun i had. it was so great to see my friends, and make new ones. i hope casie doesn't hold my drunken ass smacking against me. mel and jj - you know we love you guys.
  16. i have a far away picture of you peeing (that i didnt take) on the tarmac. if i ever get my camera back, i'll post it - with a NSW label.
  17. great pics andrea!! i had so much fun and met some awesome people.
  18. Very cool! There will be lots of PMS girls there that can initiate you!
  19. You can't hold a camera and do the deed? Multitasking is a great skill. If you can't - try a tripod! To answer GFD - I have had sex with people in the room a few times, but in general I don't want to have to worry about being sneaky and / or quiet, so I'll find another location.