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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. No In response to Ron's story, I have one that happened to a guy I know. He said he was screwing his (then) wife, doggystyle. The cat snuck up onto the bed w/o anyone noticing. The swinging balls peaked the cat's interest and he did what many cats do to swinging objects: he batted at it - claws drawn. The surprise and pain made him (my friend) thrust forward so hard, he put his wife's head through the drywall.
  2. Congrats to you both! I'm very happy for you.
  3. happy birthday girl! see you soon!
  4. ooo... someone is down to counting hours! ok then - i'll be on a plane (though not a jump plane) in 47 hours. should be drinking with mel and jj in 52 - 53 hours.
  5. there are so many things... but here are just a few.... ~ people that can't park. if you can't get your car between the lines, get a smaller car. ~ people that accelerate at a snail's pace at a short green light. do they not realize that 5 more cars could have made it though if they hadn't allowed the 10 car length gap between them and the car in front of them? ~ when i realize it's later than i thought it was (g@#damn shorter days!) ~ when the supermarket is out of the one key ingredient i need to make a dish and i have to make a trip to a 2nd store ~ arriving 10 minutes early to my doc appt, just to be seen 30 minutes after my scheduled appt. ~ printer jams ~ badly behaved kids that truly test my ability to restrain myself i could go on and on, but i need to get back to work. how annoying.
  6. Rosa ~ I'm so glad to hear you are back in the air!!! Yay!!!
  7. from the website: http://www.boneheadcomposites.com/baking.htm The MINDWARP Basics The liner is made up of three sections of a thermo-formable foam, which when heated will soften and can be molded during the cooling process. Preheat oven to 200 Fahrenheit or 80 centigrade. Place the helmet with liner, on a piece of cardboard, in the center of the oven. Make sure the helmet is not touching any sides of the oven. TURN OFF THE OVEN Leave the helmet in the oven for 10-15 minutes until the heat permeates the helmet making it more flexible. Remove the helmet, AND THE CARDBOARD, and place the helmet on your head. Using a towel or pot holders apply pressure at the ears, pushing the helmet down and towards the ears. Hold the helmet in this position until the helmet cools and becomes less flexible. Approximately 10 minutes REMOVE THE CARDBOARD FROM THE OVEN! The procedure above can be repeated for a custom fit.
  8. I want to track! Tracking is one thing I know I'm good at. I love a good, fast, tracking dive with friends. I'm down for anything really - except the whole flying on your head thing - cuz I'm not there yet - but whatever else!!!! I know JM will be stoked to have some awesome freefliers to play with. YAY!!!! Are we there yet.......
  9. I don't need a ride, but Mel said you'd give the best directions from the airport to Thomaston. I know I could just look at a map, but......
  10. Yup. On deployment, if I keep my legs together and fly my openings - makes a big difference. I love my S2.
  11. JJ!!!! I miss you boy! Can't wait to see you and Mel!!!! Can't wait to see Shannon and Chris and Dee... and so many others... Grinning from ear to ear and I have 7.5 more days to go..... i love being told what to do!
  12. you're one of those kinds of girls. hehehe... alright!
  13. you know what song does it for me - well actually - there are 2 classics that i will shake it for (though i still need some cocktails first).... bust a move (you) shook me all night long
  14. ha! lets see if ccowden lets that one go..... hmmm... maybe Brad and Lisa. we've got a great group of people at my dz. i just love 'em. wish i could get more than the amazing freakous to come down with us. maybe next time.
  15. i need lots of cocktails to dance. i can't dance. i can shake my ass pretty fast, and i can sorta dance if i have something to hold onto.... hahaha.... i have a feeling my PM girls will be persuading me away from the sidelines though.....
  16. hahahaha.... thanks! i needed that laugh!
  17. Everyone's gotta splurge sometimes!!!
  18. That was a really sweet thing to do. I hope the end result it a good one. Poor little guy.
  19. I didn't ever get to meet Dan, but I heard some really nice things about him. The folks at Skydive Virginia were very sad to hear the news last night. Our condolences to Dan's family and the Hartwood family. Bettina
  20. bkdice

    Freefly Suit

    Myself and several friends have Firefly suits. It's a bit of a wait for them, but it's well worth it. I got the 1 peice FF suit. It fit perfectly and the craftmanship is outstanding. I could not be happier with it. Be careful washing it - supplex can bleed.
  21. I just saw this! Congrats to you both!!!!
  22. who, besides me and jmfreefly, are coming down thursday night? no jumping til noon on friday.... hmm... sounds like a good opportunity to practice drinking for the nights ahead.
  23. bkdice

    Biggest age gaps

    14 yrs older 4 years younger I found little, if no difference in maturity, intelligence, and stamina between these two. I've settled down with the perfect man now. He's 5 yrs older.
  24. Wish I could Chris. Will see you in just over 2 weeks though...