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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. I'm a furnace at night too. Just ask my boyfriend. I am comfortable when I go to bed, but I always end up with limbs out over the covers - especially my feet - they are my radiators. There have been times I've woken up sweaty, and other times, I've been so hot that the heat bouncing off the pile of blankets next to me, wakes me up. My boyfriend sometimes pushes the covers down between us to build a sort of wall to protect him from the heat. I've been this way all throughout my 20s. So long as the room is cool and I don't get 'trapped' under the blanket - I'm ok. I will also cool down completely within minutes of waking up. Strangely though, during the day - I'm usually cold if it's below 75 degrees.
  2. jmfreefly and i are thinking about it. i think there is a pretty good chance we'll end up there for a few days. we'll see......
  3. * * Skydive Virginia * *, in Louisa, will be open Wed, Thurs, and Fri this week (May 5, 6, 7)! There is an AFF course taking place, and fun jumpers are wanted to help fill up the Caravan! Take the day off and head on down! www.skydivevirginia.com
  4. Have you seen Pammi's new one? WOW!
  5. well... here is the larger, uncropped, version of my current avatar, and a larger - but still cropped version of my 'arm' avatar.
  6. yeah - i've done a few....
  7. My boyfriend went in 2002 with some other people from our DZ. Unfortunately, he was planning it for a long time, and by the time we started dating, it was too late for me to prepare for such a trip work wise or financially. He had a good time. Maybe I'll see if he'll post about it here.
  8. Yup. When I got my new container last year, I was upset to find they forgot my cut-in-laterals. (It was their mistake). I spoke to them, and I had it back in 7 days with my cut in lats.
  9. I have my dream rig - pretty much... Custom Wings with purple and white tie-dye, cut in laterals, articulated, and sized for ME! I love my Wings! Sabre 2 135 purple / black / white - on order PD 143 Cypres For my second rig that I hope to order this year, it would be another Wings. Probably with a Safire2 129 (because I had a hard time choosing between the Sabre 2 and Safire 2). PD Reserve and Cypres.
  10. pffft... yes you are! please! your are beautiful, sweet, and strong minded. i'm betting all of the guys and girls that have met you have enjoyed your company. i did!!
  11. Date: Saturday, May 29th Time: Be there by 9 to plan your dives! Wheels up by 10:00. Cost: Estimated cost is $45 + the cost of your 3 jumps ($105 total). This cost covers your t-shirt, food, & beverages for the after party, and your camera flyer's slot. The cost may decrease a little depending on how many sign up. Prizes: There will be prizes for the winning team this time! As always it’s a great opportunity to get everyone to jump together. Newer jumpers are encouraged to play too, all you need to participate is an A license. It's a great way to work on your RW skills. Teams are matched up evenly by experience level. ******* Scrambles sign-up deadline is May 12th If you wish to sign up for scrambles, email Bettina at skyhighb@hotmail.com Make sure you indicate what size T-shirt you want! We've got two different styles this time, one for the ladies and one for the men. The ladies shirt will be a lavender & purple form fitting baseball tee (http://customink.com/cink/r.jsp?E=bdice%40speedtech.com&F=girlback). The design is in it's final reworkings now - but will be black. Note: Site says these run small, but stretch. Be sure to check sizing information attached. The men's shirt will be navy blue with a white design. Email me with any questions! Hope to see you out there!
  12. those are funny! they are almost all full of skydive virginia people too. i didn't like that electric star at all - but the rest of folks sure did.
  13. Ha! I had posted a few here. My whole album is here. Good times.....
  14. uh - oh.... will Carolyn be blushing?
  15. That would be my guess too. We had Brian Germain out at our DZ a few weeks ago to do a canopy seminar. Part of the course was showing us his methods of packing. He emphasized that the most important thing for a nice soft opening, is the slider positioning - making sure it is all the way up, and does not get shifted during the rest of your pack job.
  16. yes - but if i'm gonna make a list, i will put chocolate and great sex as more of a 'need' for me than adrenaline. lucky for me i have the luxury of getting all 3 of these 'needs' met. i'm sure i would be a very grumpy person w/o these 3 things.
  17. chocolate. it is an addiction that MUST be fed. i seriously cannot remember a day that i haven't had some form of chocolate. i don't think there has been one in MANY years.
  18. It depends on the manufacturer. If you are buying a Wings, it's main tray is tight. I got mine sized for a 150 (sabre). It's TIGHT! A 135 will fit much better, and I'm sure a 120 would fit nicely in there too. But my old Javelin was built for a 150, and I'm sure I could have gotten something bigger in it.
  19. bkdice

    May Parachutist

    I heard I'm in one of the pictures, but have not seen the issue yet. There were a TON of pics taken Sat night. I hope the one published is not one I'll hate.
  20. bkdice

    Green Tea?

    I don't like the taste either - but I take it in pill form. You can get it at GNC.
  21. bkdice

    "new" wheels

    Thats my b-day too!
  22. bkdice

    "new" wheels

    I previously owned 2 Tercels. I had a '94 from '95-'98. I then bought a '97 that I put about 85K miles on. I just sold it a few months ago. Both cars were so reliable, inexpensive to maintain, and got great gas mileage. Toyotas also hold their value pretty well. Hope your new-to-you car treats you well!