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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. Well Peter, maybe if you made it out with him sometime you could schmooze too!
  2. They did the same thing to me before. I owed them a little $, so I paid. Then they refunded me my payment. I assumed if I cashed the check that it would come back to bite me later, so I never cashed it.
  3. bkdice

    Pink Mafia

    Melstarr is the coolest Skychick I've ever met - outside SDV of course. Alli ain't so bad either.
  4. Oh crap - so *YOU* might be moving to my neck of the woods. Uh-oh. I live in Sterling. Slightly less pricey than Reston, but further from Alexandria. If you are going to work in Alexandria, live there, or try Springfield. PM me if you want any info. My parent's are realtors so I know the areas and prices pretty well from years of listening to them.
  5. i like it!!! hahaha... in the time it took me to finally decide on my new FF suit design, i could have had it by now. oh well. i'm good at waiting for cool stuff.
  6. i disagree. warm weather is coming anyway and having a fun new canopy is priority for me! though the thought of being shirtless around you does creep me out, even though i know you prefer the big hairy boys you stockpile pictures of.
  7. I got around $100 back - but that didn't stop me from putting in an order for a new Sabre2.
  8. Hey Joe! I expect you to come visit us again sometime!!! I'm pretty sure we are not the closest DZ, but hopefully you think we are worth another visit.
  9. Hmmmm... she got back to me within just a few hours.
  10. where are 'the other' pics from the boogie?
  11. very cool looking rig! here's mine - as well as some others at my dz.
  12. i don't think you boyfriend would appreciate you posting his pic AND saying it was you! hey - why don't you post the pic you carry around in your wallet?
  13. I love visiting Switzerland. I have spent time in Romanshorn (where my uncle is). I have vacationed in Interlaken - which is a wonderful place IMO. I also have a good friend down in Yverdon that I visited. Everything I've seen in Switzerland is breathtaking - especially those metallic blue lakes in Interlaken, and the lush green snow capped mountains. My experience with the people has been nothing but good. I can't wait to go back. This time, I'm bringing my rig!!
  14. Our DZ (Skydive Virginia) does. We're fun! We have bonfires (except in the middle of the summer) and group dinners. We either cookout or go out as a group. Then theres drinking, music, lots of talking, often some stupid human tricks, and usually some boobies shown at some point. It's a good time. Since my DZ isn't very big - everyone hangs out together. NOT clicky AT ALL. Pretty much everyone does their part to make it so awesome - whether its getting wood for the fire, buying groceries for the cookout, cooking all the food, or making sure there is plenty of beer.
  15. nothing beats your striking resemblance to peter pan.
  16. PD is 2 wks for $30 and Anabel will get back to you FAST! http://www.performancedesigns.com/demorequest.asp Icarus is $65 - OUCH. They say it's for 1 week, but they are letting me keep mine for 2 weeks - 3 if I need it (due to weather). They are not (from what I hear) as good with the customer service as PD though. Took them 5 days to get back to me, which apparently, is pretty fast for them. Those are the only 2 companies I have experience with thus far.
  17. And it shows! You made a great impression at our DZ a few weeks ago. Freeflygodess~ Taking Brian's course a few weeks ago was the best things I could have done to help me understand my canopy (and canopies in general) better. It helped me feel much more comfortable and confident under canopy. I can't say enough good things about this course and they way Brian relates information to his students.
  18. Here are 2 series. One is me and melstarr exiting for my PMS initiation jump at Moss Point in Feb. The other is jmfreefly doing a wingsuit exit out of a balloon at the CSS Easter Boogie last year. edited to add a cool mr. bill exit by 2 donkeys at our DZ.
  19. Who won't let you?? Icarus? That seems strange. I requested my demo at http://www.icaruscanopies.com/demo_request.html I got a response about 5 days after my request and the demo was shipped for use for the weekend I requested. No problem.
  20. I just demoed a Sabre2 (150) and I loved it! I found it to have much nicer (softer) openings than my Sabre. It is also more responsive than my canopy. Love the landings too! It has a really nice flare and I got a lot more surf out of it then I get with my Sabre. I have a Safire2 to demo this weekend. I've been excited to try both these canopies for a while now. We'll see which one wins out in the end.
  21. Have done it all - but not anymore. Happily gave most of it up some time ago. Now I only do 1 1/2 of the things listed.
  22. i love doggie threads!!! your's is a cutie.