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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. bkdice

    Love Songs

    happy heart by andy williams. i heard it on the 'shallow grave' movie soundtrack and i just love it!
  2. the song i remember from my very first heartbreak, will always be a "break up song" to me. the cure - apart (from the wish album) boy - thats still a depressing song.... ok - moving on to happier thoughts.
  3. bkdice

    Just my .02

    i can see why this would bother you, but he did say: opinions really are just that. i have my own opinions about religion, but i don't care to share them on the forum. however, some people would not agree and thats just how it is. i think you should try not to let his opinion upset you. you each have your own beliefs and thats that. letting it get to you won't do any good. just my $.02.
  4. Would you complain? Boys sometimes like to be 'put to work' - as far as I've been told.
  5. I'm sure it would get a lot of business from VA - myself included!
  6. ME!!! Oh me! Over here! Pick me! I am just as excited!
  7. bkdice

    Body Art

    i've got 3 tattoos - but no piercings. i want to get the one on my tummy changed a bit, but i just don't want to spend the $$ on it.
  8. ok.... me and jmfreefly will be getting there tues night to jump wed - sun. TheMonkey will be getting in wed night. DJL is coming too, but i'm not sure if he's coming in tues or wed. who knows. i'm working on getting a few more skydive virginia people down there still.
  9. bkdice

    v-day gift

    i completely agree - BUT - i consider v-day the exception. it's not like a bday, or anniversary, or xmas.... it's a silly contrived holiday and both should have fun with it. (i know both me and my man will enjoy what i bought him. ) just my opinion.
  10. bkdice

    v-day gift

    def porn!!! that is something you guys can enjoy together.
  11. well - with spring around the corner, i am watching my figure.
  12. If you sent my pic, thats fine by me. I love my Wings and *I* think it's absolutely beautiful - of course.
  13. heres a close up of mine, super j.
  14. sure - but not very easily. however, donkey's like you can't tell the difference between humor and actual anger. the reality is, i've only gotten seriously angry at you all once and you asked for it!
  15. I swear VA has the highest number of these people. Pisses me off too!!!!
  16. Sorry you are feeling pissy. I have a LONG list of stuff that pisses me off - but if I think to much about it right now, I'll get pissy, and I don't want that. I will mention that people that are mean, stupid, ignorant, selfish, and / or pretentious piss me off. And people that abuse animals piss me off the MOST. Grrrrrr
  17. hahahaha.... me too! my SO and i don't ever fight. he's really hard to get mad at. but if i'm pissy and getting bitchy about something (usually for no reason) if he says "Ohh, you are so cute when you get all pissed off" will more than likely make me smile and lead to sex.
  18. bkdice

    Custom Tie Dye

    Thanks guys - and Paige.
  19. bkdice

    Custom Tie Dye

    Hey. I am getting ready to order a freefly suit from Fire Fly. They do not offer tie dye, but Sherry said I could get the material dyed myself. Cool. I am waiting for some sample swatches. I want to do a purple on white tie dye on part of the suit to match my rig. I can do a tie dye job myself on cotton - but this is supplex and I don't know how it will dye. I'd like to have it professionally done because I really want it to look good. Anybody have any suggestions on where to get it done? Thanks!!
  20. 1985 Jeep Grand Wagoneer Silver with wood paneling on the side What a terrible car - ALWAYS breaking down. Ugh.... drove it for 2 (1992-1994) years until I was able to afford a reliable Toyota.