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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. I've seen that horse one before - and being a horse owner - that disturbs me. Its as bad as seeing a dead dog or cat impaled on a hood ornament.
  2. If it's any consolation Douggie - you are always annoying. Yet you are buying the video. Hmmmm.....
  3. because in my case - it is TRUE
  4. my personal life sure has gotten better - but i won't attribute that to bush. i did buy a condo 2 years ago with a low interest rate loan. just sold it for 53% more than i bought it for, so that sure puts me better off financially. it's definitely been a good time to get a loan the last 2 years with the rates dropping. also helps living in a 'hot' area with realtors for parents.
  5. this one? i used it for so long... i know it caught ccowden's attention and got me some some free items from badfish. he-he
  6. bkdice

    Creativity needed

    I'm tie dying a set of sheets for me and J. I looked up buying them and the prices are $100 - $250. uh - no. Douggie - I think you should sew all the sheets together in a big long line, douse them in Jet A, wrap youself up in them like a cocoon, and set them on fire. Then see how fast you can unroll.
  7. wtf?! granted dove has a great ass and i am expecting dove to end up the winner - but to regret showing your support for me really hurts, clay.
  8. there are a lot of things that make me smile.... *thinking about sweet things my man says or does.... and how lucky i am to have him.... *an 'enthusiastic' email or pm from melstarr... *thinking about something i'm looking forward to - like a ski trip i have coming up with friends and the mardi gras boogie... *my dog - and here is where i'll tell you a little story. my dog niko, is really smart. he's 11 now - but still sharp as can be. i've taught him a bunch of tricks over the years - one of which is 'beg'. niko is almost never bad. but if he senses you are upset or mad at him at all, he will walk in front of you and assume the 'beg' position and hold it until you come around. if you turn away from him, he will walk around you to get in front of you and assume the beg position again. he never fails to make me smile.
  9. I know it can be discouraging hearing about failed relationships - especially after many years. But you will NEVER know whats going to happen. Love is a risk - how ever you look at it. People change - relationships change. I don't think it will ever always be easy. It sucks not having any guarantee in love or life, but that is also part of the excitement. The best way to not drive yourself nuts is to not worry about it.
  10. i failed my level 4 once. i couldn't stop my slow spin. did that make you feel better? don't get discouraged. just get back up there and prove to yourself you can do it - which you KNOW you can. i've heard stories of people failing over and over. when i failed my level 4, so many people at the dz told me their stories of failing levels. some several times - some even failed level 7 (which seems like the least likely level one would fail). you are not alone at all!!
  11. that is a BEAUTIFUL pic rosa. i love it!! it's so sexy how it shows so little skin - but that small amount makes you want to see more. makes me want to pan up or pull the covers down just to see a little more. absolutely beautiful.... and so classy.
  12. it's the little things in life... eh.
  13. makes me wonder what on earth people are thinking when the try to pull a stunt like that.
  14. tie dye?? very cool. where did you get them?
  15. i LOVE b&w pics. sometimes they can show so much more character and beauty. i transformed these to b&w from color. i like them better in b&w - especially since i am so pale right now. can't wait to see you pic!!!!
  16. There are truly nice people who get screwed over - and there are people that THINK they are nice people and THINK that they are being screwed over.
  17. have fun in the UK alana! here are 2 pics (taken by my man) that i did for team badfish, modeling their thong.
  18. how do you manage that? there are so many out there!
  19. I try to believe in the 'what goes around, comes around'. I REALLY hope that is true because there are a lot of people out there who deserve to get what they'd have coming.
  20. you mean this (see attached)? it's a great pic!
  21. bkdice


    Me too! Though since I am so well taken care of now-a-days, I really only masturbate as part of foreplay. Now before I met my current man, I was taking care of myself 1-2 times a day. I don't know how anyone can go for days at a time w/o climaxing. I know some can just fine, but *I* COULDN'T.
  22. I used to be the pickiest eater. I have come to love so many foods now - and will try just about anything. My favorite foods that I have grown to love the most (all in the last 7 to 8 years) are: Cheeses (many kinds and foods involving cheese, like pizza and mexican food) Sushi Thai food Seafood
  23. bkdice

    Baby Names

    some of my favorite names... Niko (m or f) Devon (m or f) Ned (m) Irie (f) I don't want kids, so I end up naming my animals with these names...