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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. Don't. I did probably 25 - 30 different designs for my new Wings in photoshop. All were with the same 3 colors - but every design was different. When I designed the one I ended up with, I knew it right when I finished it. It was perfect (to me).
  2. Almost every shower I take, is with my boyfriend.
  3. I really like their stuff - but they are slow. It took 13 weeks to get a single pair of freefly pants. Several phone calls had to be made as well. I plan to order a freefly suit from them in the next few months, but I know now I'm in for a LONG wait.
  4. Hmmm.... growing up, all I wanted to do was be able to fly. That would have been my power of choice. Would be nice to fly w/o a rig, and I bet having the power to fly would make me a better freeflyer. Would be fun to do a jump with the first group out, and then fly back up to catch the 3rd or 4th group and join in. :-) Ok - so I'd still choose the ability to fly. The other would be invisibility too. That could be fun and kinky.
  5. On a solo sit I did over the summer, I was last out. The pilot dove the plane right after my exit and I watched this from my sit. I looked right at him and saw him wave at me. Waved back.... Pretty cool.
  6. bkdice

    Who pays

    I LOVE my new wings. It was tight to pack it the first dozen jumps or so, but it's breaking in. I got the cut in laterals, so it 'hugs' me and it's awesome to jump with. Not to mention it's beautiful.
  7. bkdice

    Who pays

    When I got my Wings container, there was an error. I called them and got their UPS Acct # and sent it back UPS Overnight collect.
  8. I love travelling with me SO. But to keep things smooth, we need to be well rested, well fed, and well sexed.
  9. I agree that the woman does have the power in most situations working as a stripper. I don't see how it could be the other way around if the woman is willfully working as a stripper. My brother's girlfriend is a stripper and she definitely feels this way. I"m sure there are some more sleazy joints and shady places that might turn those tables however. Stripping for your SO is empowering. Probably anyone who has done it, can agree. It's the lady's show and SHE is running it (at least if she's any good at it).
  10. Lucky for me, by boyfriend is my main freefly coach, and he coaches me for free. Well, maybe not "free" He'll usually charge just for his slot if other people want coaching. Monkey Claw had a jam at Orange (Virginia) over the summer, and coaching was covered under the registration fee ($20 if I remember correctly). I don't know what their regular fee is though. My boyfriend did some coaching with Mike Ortiz, and I believe it was $70 - $75 per one-on-one jump. Jon Randolph had done some free coaching up at Skydive Virginia (just because he's such a nice guy).
  11. True. I'd be there in a second if a local lingerie shop was having a free demo. I think it's a very cool idea. I dont think it's degrading or raunchy either. Jeez. Don't these silly feminists know that a strip tease can be very empowering.
  12. I LOVE my cut in laterals on my new wings. It makes me feel like my rig is constantly 'hugging' me. I am 5'4", petite, and I freefly. Going from a rig that used to move all over the place to this has made flying a lot more enjoyable and a bit less challenging at times.
  13. oh please monkey man, like you haven't seen 'em.
  14. If you have renters insurance, call and ask. I know State Farm will insure your gear if you have them for homeowners insurance. (I've been meaning to call them, dammit.) But, a friend at the DZ has his gear insured, so if he has a cutaway an loses the main, he only has to pay a deductible. Not sure about theft. Edited to add.... Read Scrumpots Post #27 here
  15. On the $$ for the lost canopy / free bag - you can get them insured through your homeowners insurance. (Not sure about renters insurance, but probably). I never thought of this until a jumper at my DZ told me that he called State Farm up and pays like $23 (or some small amount like that) a year to cover his canopy in case he chops and loses it. While $$ for lost gear should not be the first thing on your mind while debating chopping (in my inexperienced opinion
  16. I opted for soft pillow for both my cutaway and reserve handles. I was always uncomfortable with the D-ring on my old rig. Regardless, whatever you choose to end up with, get yourself in a hanging harness and practice cutting away. Also, when your rig is due for a repack, instead of just giving it to your rigger all packed, practice pulling your cut away and then your reserve so you get a bit of a sense for what it is like.
  17. Hi there. I've made some posts relating to your situation before. What wrongway says... "Umm.......something you should know ahead of time. With very few exceptions, relationships between skydivers and whuffos DON'T work out." is what I was told when I started jumping and my ex was unsupportive. I didn't believe this comment, until I started going out to the DZ more. Mind you, I would go on a Saturday, and made sure I was only gone during the hours he was at work, so it wasn't cutting into our time. Well, graduated AFF and then wanted to go out a bit more. I tried being considerate and tried educating him. Fact of the matter was, he was never going to approve. He was an ass in a lot of other ways, so this was the last straw. You are better off w/o unsupportive people like that in your life. Skydiving has been much more enjoyable w/o him. Even found me a perfect sky boy - but like Vallerina said, those don't always work either. I just got REALLY lucky.
  18. bkdice

    tattoo idea

    Now what I think is a GOOD idea is the attached - though placement is key. I'd put him below my belly button, so he's going 'head down' in more than one sense.