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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. Found a digital within minutes of delivery. I am in love too.....
  2. bkdice

    ok, i admit it....

    Hey Sky. I can't imagine what you are going through, but I am sure it is extremely painful and difficult. I only know a little about your sadness, but it's enough to make me wish I could offer you some comfort. It takes a lot of courage to put those feelings of loneliness out in the open. I hope that the support of your friends here has helped a little. I'm sure the flirtatious remarks are at least enough to help crack a smile on your face. There are people that are thinking of you during your rough time. I hope that time will heal all your wounds. Sincerely, Bettina
  3. Milka Noisette is my absolute favorite. I can devour a bar in minutes. I used to bring home dozens of bars from Germany when I would visit my grandparents. I also love Nutella. Warm crepes with Nutella is pure heaven for me. Closest flavor to Noisette that I can find in the USA
  4. FALL SCRAMBLES It’s that time once again for some 4-way fun at Skydive Virginia! That's right - Fall Scrambles! Date Saturday, November 1 Time Show-up at 9 00 so that we can form the teams with wheels up by 10 00 Cost $95 (price includes a Halloween Scrambles t-shirt, food for the night, beer, 3 jumps, and your share of the video slots) As always it’s a great opportunity to get everyone to jump together. Newer jumpers are encouraged to play too, all you need to participate is an A license. RSVP by October 17th If you are interested in participating, please send an e-mail to Lynn lynnrich@galacticrealms.com or Reem reemfh@yahoo.com **Sorry for the early deadline, but we need time to get the t-shirts ordered **HALLOWEEN PARTY TO FOLLOW!!** Date Saturday, November 1 after jumping is over for the day. We will be having a bonfire and a cookout, which will include burgers and other assorted side dishes. Last year’s party was a huge hit, so get your creative juices flowing and come up with some costumes to rival those from last year. Food is $5 * If you are participating in Scrambles the food cost was already included in your fee* RSVP by October 25th to Carolyn cbizri@yahoo.com so that we can plan accordingly for food.
  5. Wouldn't most events / parties be better if skydiving was involved? Um.... yeah.
  6. Looks like there are a lot of people who did this alone. I did too. My ex bought me a tandem and thought it would be out of my system. Ha! He was VERY unsupportive of my jumping, so he just had to go. You'll make a lot of friends fast. Skydiving and the new friends it will bring you, will change your life - for the better. Good luck. You have LOTS of support!
  7. You're awesome! Hahahaha... I love pulling this kind of stuff on people. I don't do it much anymore. You might have just inspired me.
  8. Hey - she'd be PERFECT for Michael Jackson. Dontchya think? Or is this a recent pic of the 'latest Michael' himself?
  9. bkdice

    Arlington, VA

    About 10 minutes because you PASS the farmer driving a truckload of hay. Geesh.
  10. bkdice

    Arlington, VA

    Skydive Virginia piping in... Thank you Kevin, but actually Louisa is about 8-10 miles difference from Orange. I've been to both and clocked it. West Point is a good bit further (took me about 45 mins longer to get there). Definitely worth the trip though. So - Orange and Skydive Virginia are the closest. Both are nice DZs. Orange is a bigger DZ with more people and an otter. We are a bit smaller with a Caravan. I'd suggest checking them both out if you are going to be out here - of course I favor Skydive Virginia....
  11. bkdice


    I think a man that can sew is sexy! I can't sew worth a shit - but my man can. He is awesome! He made me a pair of custom freefly pants in 4 nights! (They are even lined!) He made himself some too. He's altered pants, made gear bags, weight belts, and a freefly tube. He also made a bag for an ash dive that worked wonderfully. Good skill to have. LEARN!
  12. I'm 5'4" and jump a J1 with a C-18 harness. Do able - yes. Though in all honesty, I wish I had held out for a B-15 or B-16. It is just too big. The rig slides around a bit, which was especially a pain in the ass when I was first learning to sit (to have to compensate for the ever shifting rig). I have to have the chest strap done up real tight. It's served me well, but I can't wait to get my custom fit Wings in 2 weeks.
  13. Thanks Mel. You make me blush!
  14. Ha! That is great. I notice his absence all the damn time. On occasion, I ignore it, but mostly, it just ticks me off / makes me sad. Maybe we can find an ancient Indian burial ground to bury him in and bring him back to life. ??
  15. Same crap can happen when exes have sex. Seen that really hurt some people.
  16. I just might be - and my boyfriend won't consider it cheating.
  17. Yeah... so true. Just threw in my $.02 - but when it comes down to it, I don't have anything to 'back up' what I say. I think this subject comes down to STRICTLY opinions. No good way to classify / label it. Just do it!
  18. bkdice

    cold shower

    Get some Herbal Essence body wash. (If you don't get the reference, there is this stupid ad I've seen for this stuff and they woman is out of hot water, but the Herbal Essence Organic experience creates it's own steam).
  19. I agree that lying is cheating. But, as it's been pointed out, being honest about what happened, doesn't necessarily make it ok. Some people might consider a kiss cheating. Others might see a kiss between 2 girls as not cheating. Everyone's got their own "rules" in their head about whats OK and whats not. Both parties in a relationship need to effectively communicate what is acceptable and whats not and stick to it or separate.
  20. My goodness there is a lot to disagree on here. Val is definitely proving her combative mood too. hahaha... Insertion is sex - no doubt (IMO). I'm not so sure how -exactly - I'd classify oral sex. I consider insertion, oral, anal, as well as any manual techniques used to get your partner to climax, as 'sexual acts'. When I refer to just 'sex' I am strictly referring to insertion. I'd consider those that had not experienced insertion to be virgins. I would not classify someone that had oral as having lost their virginity. But like I said, I still consider it a "sexual act" (and a DAMN good one, I might add ) I am not feeling combative. I just put in my $.02 and I don't care who agrees / disagrees / or nit picks it.
  21. Yup! Hey, mine gets grumpy if he can't give too. It is awesome to have someone that wants so bad to please you, isn't it? It makes me want to please him even more. Turns into a very pleasing sort of circle of giving/receiving/giving/receiving/giving.... hahaha...
  22. bkdice

    Pet Tricks

    Love those Border Collies! So damn smart! I have a BC mix. He knows... 'come', 'sit', 'stay', 'lay down', 'play dead', 'beg', 'shake', 'crawl', and 'jump'. He knows 'no' too - but he never makes me tell him.