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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. Here is a pic of my dog. I always post his pic in pet threads. I tried to resist this time, but I couldn't.
  2. half n half. i used to be a "pleaser". though, with my current boyfriend, i have learned that it is best when it's equal. we are both very much "pleasers". he has helped me accept that i can take as much as i give. it all ends up even and we both end up very happy... and the quality keeps the frequency very high!
  3. i love red bordeaux wines. especially medocs and margauxs. i also love a good italian barolo or barbaresco. yum. i'm not much of a white wine drinker, but i do like sauvignon blanc. cakebread is one that i remember having that i loved.
  4. We had a guy at our dz get pied when he did his 750th just becuase he was never pied for his 500th (which he had done over a year prior). Don't give up yet - because someone will get you at some point, probably when you least expect it.
  5. No shit!! I was thinking you were in your early to middle twenties. 30 seemed old when I was in my teens. 40 seemed old in my mid 20's (27 now). Now, 50 seems old. But I'm sure that will change when I'm 40. Age ain't nuthin' but a number.
  6. ha! you are the 2nd person (ever) to make a carrie fisher reference.
  7. Thank you! The dress and primping cost me a lot of jump tix!!
  8. I just got some pics back from me and my man all dressed up for a formal dinner party. Don't get to dress up like this very often - so it was a lot of fun.
  9. My cat, Ned, has been missing since Aug 23. 1 month today. I have not given up hope that he is still alive and lost somewhere. (He is an indoor/outdoor cat - but never ever ran away before). He is the coolest cat ever and so handsome, so I am posting his beautiful pic here.
  10. http://www.snopes.com/photos/isabel.asp
  11. There is a site called Snopes that looks into this stuff. Here is what they say: http://www.snopes.com/photos/isabel.asp There are a few other pics on this site that i've seen on this site, or have been sent. Funny what is real and whats not as well as what has been twisted into something false.
  12. If this is REALLY Isabel, why on earth is the water dead calm? That seems weird. I bet it's photoshopped. Anyone want to bother finding out? Cool storm though. I've seen some like this roll through before. Scary and fascinating.
  13. A few years ago when I was traveling in Europe, I saw this show dubbed in German in Munich. It cracked me up. I thought I'd never see "Takeshi's Castle" again. How F-ing cool that its now in the US.
  14. I'm a pretty straight forward driver... but when my boyfriend is driving us, especially on longer trips (like to the dz) he is often having to multi-task.
  15. I take it you were a 'spring chicken' before then? When are you going to pay us another visit over in Louisa?
  16. hahaha! i agree! if my man presented me with a $15,000+ ring, i'd kill him.
  17. My condolences to you, Tommy's friends and family. What a sad loss. Blue skies.... Bettina
  18. Lover. But I would fight if I absolutely had to.... and I would win.
  19. 3 yrs on Nov 12 since my 1st jump. Jumping seriously (after 'getting rid of' restrictive whuffo boyfriend and finding bad ass freeflyer ) since August of 2002. This sport has helped me grow so much as a person. It has changed my life in so many ways - ALL for the better.
  20. Once upon a Time in Mexico has my current crush (has been since the 21 Jump Street Days), Johnny Depp.
  21. I have tiny little holes in my canopy and was told that they are purposely made to help let the air escape when packing ZP canopies. They are perfect little holes that don't fray or get any bigger. Is it possible that is what these are?
  22. I'm gonna have to agree on this one. I also take Green Tea pills when I'm sick. Of course, you can make and drink Green Tea, but I don't really like Tea - so I go to GNC and get some pills.
  23. I had mine.... When I was 15, I was interviewed on a local show as an Olympic hopeful (in Equestrian Eventing). I still have the tape of it somewhere. For about 8 years after the show with my interview aired, they used a shot of me jumping my horse in their opening credits.
  24. I was a school girl last year. That was fun - and easy to accessorize. Take an innocent bit of clothing and make it very naughty. Nurse would be my second choice. But, from what I've seen of you in the few pics on here, I'm sure you'll look hot in any costume.