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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. I'm terrible at.... lying, remembering names, and ironing. Edited to add that I'm also terrible at being patient.
  2. I'm really good at scaring people. I love sneaking up on people.... I've hidden under desks, behind doors, and around corners in wait to scare people. Silly string can make almost anyone good at this though.
  3. bkdice

    Bad week.....

    I'm sorry you are having a bad week... You should read this thread.... http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=651574;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread
  4. Wow Jasmin.... I'm sorry you're having so much bad luck! Though, I don't think it's just you. I think a lot of people have had some really bad runs too. I know I have. Theres that old saying... "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Hang in there. Things have got to look up at some point. Bettina
  5. I hear ya sista. OK - time for me to get outta the office and home to my man.
  6. I agree that in order to be a true master, you must be in tune with your SO and you must both communicate what you like / don't like. However, there is a lot to be learned from books. A lot! There are many ways to please your partner and make them feel things that you might not have discovered with just experimentation. Also many ways to improve / prolong your own enjoyment. So - educate yourself by hitting the books (preferably with your SO), and then explore the possibilities.
  7. I'm with you on that one. But fingers and tongue are only good if the user KNOWS what the hell they are doing with them. That goes for men AND women. Educate yourself.
  8. keep you chin up girly. don't let his threats intimidate you. here is a man who is far away and is not current on child support. no way he could get those kids away from you - unless you are a drug addict or living on the streets. good luck. sending you positive vibes.
  9. i agree with you! hey... people love to place blame on other people / things, instead of taking responsability for being an idiot. hope he's sterile. what a tool.
  10. not true! see my post on page 4!!!! http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_flat;post=644081;page=4;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;
  11. Yes - the forecast looks great over here for the w/e too.
  12. What a cop-out of an answer! You are way too nice. But, that is why you made so many people's list, including mine.
  13. oh wow. i got a vote. i'm betting you'd be fun to meet. sunnydee123 too. michele seems like a very deep and thoughtful person - at least from what i've gathered from the few posts i've seen. melstarr and ericaH seem very cool too. I think we have some stuff in common when it comes to relationships.
  14. There seem like a lot of cool people that would be fun to meet. Off the top of my head though, I'd pick... ... Freeflybella and VanillaSkyGirl.
  15. Not an article, just a little blurb about how fast peregrine falcons are. Cool pic though.
  16. I remember being so nervous about my exits too after graduating AFF. Especially for my Hop n Pop. But it all worked out. RELAX and trust in your arch. You'll be just fine, and you will look back and say "that wasn't a big deal at all". Exits do take time to learn and get used to - just like all the other aspects of skydiving, so don't sweat it.
  17. I love watching dog agility. Cracks me up. Love those border collies! I also love watching Equestrian Eventing since that is what I used to do - though it makes me a little sad sometimes. Football used to be #1, but after missing so many games by being at the DZ on Sundays, I've lost touch.
  18. I remember you. We were out there for the Monkey Claw jam. I remember talking to you. Guess you are just a little slow.
  19. what a cute pic. you are very photogenic. so is chinook
  20. wow... thanks chicky! where are some of your beautiful pics? i don't think i saw any on this thread. glad your mom is home
  21. here are some of my favorite boys (aside from my own, of course) freakous and the monkey (also at the wedding) cute, aren't they?