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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. I don't know. Could be either. He is pierced, which makes me think that theres a good chance it's a tattoo. If it's just airbrushed - then pretty nifty, i guess. It amused me.
  2. yeah - i forgot the attachment. duh. sure makes my post make more sense now, doesn't it.
  3. NSFW hmmm... ouch (this is no one i know) i'd be curious to see how funny "puff" looks when he's not so puffed up. maybe like a little glo-worm. EDIT: Alright people - if you are uptight, or work around any uptight people, or have any underage people in the room, DONT open this. It's a PENIS tattooed or painted like a dragon.
  4. i think it is. i can see where he has decreased your breast size and increased your gut. jealous bitch is just trying to make you look bad.
  5. luckily skydivers will assume that i am covered in whip cream from being PIED. non-skydivers might wonder what all the white stuff is all over me. hahahaha
  6. ha! no shit. and how do you keep things moist?
  7. I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope she is alright. She will be in my thoughts. Sending you good vibes. Bettina
  8. you guys must have known i'd post something... freakous.... psw-97.... skycurlycat.... and the monkey.
  9. That would be nuts, though I doubt possible. (If anyone tries it, they better make damn sure their cypres is on!) Between the length of my orgasms and recovery time, I couldn't pull it off. As for oral - i think your mouth would dry out too fast - but this may be a good challenge for the brave to try. Now sex right after jumping (immediately after landing) would be pretty cool - i think. Of course, you'd have to land off somewhere a little private.
  10. I always wanted to know what it was like to fly. In 1999, my boyfriend at the time took me to "get it out of my system". HA! Well, I fell in love with the sport the following summer when I did AFF. Fell out of love with the boyfriend that fall. Took me a year to get in 30 jumps and get rid of the boyfriend. Since then, I've fallen in love with a skydiver and my jump numbers are now steadily climbing every weekend. Life is good.
  11. Damn Freakous! You really got under this guy's skin. It's weird to see someone take you so seriously when I know how you really are. Also sad that there are some DZs out there that have animosity between freeflyers and bellyfliers. We sure don't at our DZ. Everyone mixes it up in the air and has fun trying different kinds of flying. On the ground, we are all on the same level and having fun being nothing but donkeys - students, coaches, and fun jumpers alike. Our DZ is probably one of the least judgemental DZs out there. I foget that until I see people get so upset since I guess they do not have the open environment we do. Who knows. Looks like you took over Monkey's mission.
  12. bkdice

    Mac v Windows

    I love my mac for graphic work. I learned on Macs. They are SO easy to learn. However, for work (which is mostly non graphic design related ) I prefer my PC.
  13. not as far as i know hope this doesn't turn ugly. religion brings out some of the ugliest sides of people when different points of view come into play.
  14. Freakous and Monkey~ You boys are making us sound bad. Yes - sometimes we yell at eachother - but none of it is ever mean or ill intentioned. I think we've all yelled "go, go, go" at some point to someone (experienced jumpers only). (Of course, with our plane's ground speed, we only have (had ) a small window to "get the fuck out".
  15. There was actually a discovery channel program that was the story of several people getting over their fear of spiders. Some used virtual reality. It was nuts.
  16. Hi. Really sorry to hear about your situation. I don't think it's fair for anyone to ask another person to give up something that means so much to them. I think there will be a lot of resentment and regret in your future (I'm REALLY sorry to say) I know of whuffo / skydiver marriages that have worked. One guy at our DZ is married to a whuffo and it works fine for them. Sometimes she is out at the DZ with the kids, and sometimes not. His skydiving does not cause any issues for them. But as I once said in another post a while back, it comes down to the kinds of people we all are. If you marry someone who wants to change you, then you are in for some bumps. If you marry someone who will accept you for who you are and what you love, then you will have much smoother sailing. Just my ( humble) opinion. I wish you the very best.
  17. Me either. EDIT TO ADD: In before the lock
  18. awwww.... i'm so sorry to hear that. i hope he is ok.
  19. what in the mother-f-ing hell is wrong with people?!!!!
  20. They recently moved. I ordered pants the first week of May. They told me 6 weeks. Took 13 weeks and several phone calls. They do make good stuff and I have heard good things, but know they are running behind now. Best to call Sherry over there. She is not always on top of her emails. Also - careful how you wash them, some stain removers will cause the colors to bleed.
  21. I can't begin to imagine how difficult this must be for you (and his family / friends). My thoughts are with you. Bettina
  22. bkdice

    my dogs...

    Cute dogs! I'd never turn down a chance to post a picture of my Niko.
  23. smart boys let girls -think- they rule smart girls -know- they really do