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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. I LOVE green eyes! My sweetie has beautiful green eyes. Attached is a pic of one of his eyes. I had desaturated the color from the pic - except for the eyes. You have gorgeous eyes Amanduh!!! The reds in your hair really set them off too. Just beautiful!
  2. i'll upload mine to ofoto too. there were a few i didn't post. i didn't know you started the night off with boobies!!! what happened to them?
  3. yeah - i needed more of you and more of duh. i'm usually better and take more pics - but it gets complicated with a camera in one hand, a drink in the other, a man to grope, and sloppy hugs to be given out. need more practice!
  4. dee, honey, it was SO good to see you girl! you looked FANTASTIC!!! it was awesome to see you smiling so much. pics are up and you're lookin' hot!
  5. when i get home tonight - i'll post them. would have done it last night, but having no privacy all weekend took it's toll on us and.... you know the rest. i LOVED hanging out with all you guys - even if some moments were moments of angst and worry.
  6. he was! i have a picture to prove it!
  7. Gee... and I put so much thought into the lavendar bra with the black sheer shirt to make sure it matched the purple tie. Oh well....
  8. I have to get my pics up - I was telling Liz that she always looks very sultry in pictures. Thanks for the good times everyone!!!
  9. funny - but doug is a 'nice guy' - even though he hides it well. whodda-thought? the dz needs video help.... dougie to the rescue.
  10. bkdice

    Do you ever....

    yes! i have to deal with someone on a regular basis that makes me so mad, i can't stand to look at them without a scowl. i've tried, but i can't help it. but it's only one person, and i don't feel that strongly towards anyone else.
  11. like this guy at the stash jam (see attached) see you red carpet inners tonight. the rest - tomorrow. edited to change roof to carpet
  12. ha! actually NO! i saw it on a late night talk show years ago. this girl would wrap herself up in colored saran wrap. she'd do a pink skirt and a blue tube top.
  13. at the stash jam, if you had any other facial hair (aside form a stash), it was shaved before you could register. shani shaved j's goatie right off - much to his dismay. i have an old black formal dress i haven't worn in YEARS. i'll be bringing it JIC.
  14. bet they'll look hot for the 'formal' too. so like, what are you gonna wear?
  15. Happy birthday girl! I miss you!!! xo b
  16. hahaha! we shall see. since they flaked last night - they may just show up to xkeys. cat?
  17. last time i was at xkeys a bunch of us went to see 'the village' during a bad weather day. hope that won't be the case this weekend.