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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. Gasp! Bite your tongue, man!
  2. Ew. That is not attractive and I would rather never have to see someone's tongue like that. On the other hand, I'd be curious to HEAR about (and I do mean "hear about" and not actually experience) how the oral sex is. The creepiness would outweigh any possible added pleasures... for me at least.
  3. bkdice

    sad day

    I am so sorry. I know that feeling all too well. Luckily, our horse vet lives 2 houses down, and whenever we have put a dog or horse to sleep, she has come over to do it at our house with family and other animals around. As hard as it is, I think having you there with them is the best thing you can do. And for those who have several animals, make sure the live ones are allowed to say their goodbyes. It can be very traumatizing to a dog / cat / horse etc, when their friend is just suddenly "gone". Letting them say their goodbyes will help them deal with it. Yes - pets grieve. Sending you best wishes. I am sure you gave your dog a wonderful life full of love. Bettina
  4. bkdice

    Your Porn Name

    Pushy Seneca hmmm... ok. whatever
  5. Bummer. Try oxi-clean on your shoes. I'm sure your jumpsuit - being red- will fare better in the wash. $16 jumps July 4,5,6. Good time to come and play.
  6. Ha! Hey Justin! I landed off with you. Yeah - that GPS spot was just a 'tad' off. Hope you had a good time at our DZ. Come back and see us again sometime. Bettina
  7. cool. i love mine. i got it for my bday in may. what an awesome helmet.
  8. you're giving me shit for "admitting to seeing Tiffany in concert", yet you admit here.... i can't believe YOU'D admit to THAT! hahahaha... now I'm lmao
  9. how embarrassing.... but..... my sister took me to see Tiffany in 6th grade.... which was 1987
  10. can't choose..... i think they enhance eachother - though not so sure about doing both at the same time. but sex after a day of jumping - or jumping after a morning of sex - makes both activities even better. if i had to give up one over the other... oh god... um... i'd probably give up skydiving. sex is free and accessible all the time. ugh... thank god i never have to make that choice!!!
  11. but you admit you have to 'capture' them?
  12. and what caves have you been visiting lately - aside from "Finger Cave" and "Palm Tunnel"? (livestock doesn't count - i don't care how similar the feel of sheep & human are)
  13. one of the nice things about porn - aside from the obvious - is that there needn't be any plot. you can also watch it for 10 minutes - stop the tape /dvd - and pick right back up any time - without having to be caught up in a story line.
  14. hmmm.... i used to give myself some 'self loving' daily - sometimes several times a day. the longest i would go would be 2 - 3 days (unless i was sick). now that i'm getting laid so much - i haven't given myself any (excluding times when it was an act of foreplay) since october (when my man was out of town for 10 days).
  15. i baked mine twice, and my boyfriend baked his 3 times - to get the fits we wanted. definitely follow the instructions, and when you have it on your head, really mash it tight and hold it. I've got an awesome fit on mine now.
  16. i generally used 4 or 6 lbs - but i have 8 lbs available if need be. so far - i only used 8 lbs in the tunnel. some people wear a lot more weight than that. i've seen girls with up to 24 lbs (crazy - i know). i am not one to advise on how much weight to start with. you should talk to an instructor or coach about that. but for me, weight 120 lbs, 4-6 was a good start.
  17. at my home DZ, everyone puts their stuff up against a wall somewhere in the hangar or packing area. so long as it's not in anyone's way. we have a very trustworthy group - and i know i never worry about what i have laying around getting lost, damaged, or stolen.
  18. be careful to avoid injuries right before the first perfect weekend in months.... stay away from sharp objects, hot surfaces, and raw shellfish. bettina
  19. I don't like vests. When I was learning, wearing a vest threw off my center of gravity a bit. A weight belt worked much better. I got mine here: http://www.lilachayes.com/ I bought four 2 lb weights. Though it is best to learn to control your fall rate without weights, they were a great tool for me early on. I didn't use them much after 30 jumps - but they are a nice break now when I'm doing RW with bigger people. Granted I can now fall as fast without weights - but weights help me not have to work as hard.
  20. hell yeah dougie fresh! it is about fucking time.
  21. i like porn, that starts right out in the action. oh crap... did i just post that.
  22. sure - to other students maybe. haha... i'm kidding. something sweet about an innocent newbie.
  23. skygod - what - you? did i miss something.
  24. Most badasses are sexy in their own way - but for me - it's the freefliers... It totally turns me on any when I see my man doing cool freefly jumps.