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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. This made me laugh.... Hope you enjoy it.
  2. next year at this time we'll look back and laugh at this..... right?????? right???? i know.... no one (on the east coast) is laughing now.
  3. I knew you'd post here. Poor FrogLady. Maybe it's time to take a trip out west.
  4. What sad news. My condolences to his family and friends. Bettina
  5. bkdice

    Rain Rain Rain!

    Skydive Virginia (in Louisa) was open this past Friday. They did 8 loads. I was stuck at home and have a terrible cold - so I did not get to indulge. We managed to get loads up last weekend too. So, things could be worse. I jumped 3 weekends in May. Just had to wait out all the crap! Patience...
  6. My DZ is opening at 3:00 today, with blue skies, calm winds, and 79 degrees. My boyfriend left to go down there about 2 hours ago - so he should be unloadinghis gear right now. Lucky man. I can't go because I am animal sitting for my parents (4 horses, 4 cats, & 2 dogs) and the DZ is 100 miles away. So yes, I'm bummed. b
  7. competitively rode horses for 11 years (starting when i was 5). hours of riding every day did wonders for my balance and strength - as well as my arch.
  8. That is terrible. I hope he is feeling better today. Please send an update. Best Wishes.... Bettina
  9. take a blanket and find a secluded patch of grass somewhere. just make sure you aren't followed...
  10. there was just a thread on this... http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=498929;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread (hope i posted that URL right)
  11. bkdice

    hard days work

    man... if i didn't have to work my ass off all day (and yes i do work a good 8 of my 8.5 - 9 hours here everyday), i would be happy to greet my man like (or something like that) every evening. of course, there would be no toys of -that- sort laying around.
  12. Shoulda come back to Louisa Sunday. 8 or 9 loads went up after 4 when the winds died down. BTW - Froglady was pied for #1000 this weekend!!!
  13. None of the couches have seen any action from me. Keep guessing....
  14. I've had sex all over the place at my DZ with my boyfriend. The first time we had sex (with eachother) was at the DZ. That was the most memorable. No more public details..... I don't want any of the trouble makers setting up cameras. b
  15. I watched someone die at our DZ. It was horrible. I had been off AFF for 3 months and had very few jumps. It made me question if I wanted to be in this sport. I decided to jump again before making that decision. Needless to say - I decided to keep jumping. I think people need to remember that they are not invincible. I consider myself very safe and very aware and ALWAYS learning. There are risks in everything we do in life. We just need to weigh them out and decide which ones to take.
  16. we were planning to have pants on - just showin' the boobies.
  17. hmm..... it would be pretty hard to slide in on your bare back with a rig on - dontcha think? actually, i had planned a topless tracking dive for my boyfriend for his bday. he is the rabbit, and myself, with 4 other lovely ladies, will be "chasing" him. if the weather doesn't cooperate, we will be giving him his share of "shows" on the ground.
  18. jeez danny boy - you gettin' hard up. there will be some guaranteed nudity this weekend at skydive virginia. where will YOU be?
  19. My boy's got 750 jumps on me, so I don't doubt his skill level or judgement. I do worry when I let myself, but I try not to. No use in it. We are both in a sport that can be dangerous. In all honesty, I worry more about the drive to and from.