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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. bkdice

    Advice wanted

    hell yeah - if you can afford it. better to do it and know it was for nothing, then not do it and always wonder.
  2. I received a bonehead (mindwarp) for my bday a few weeks ago. I LOVE it. i tried on many different kinds of helmets and this was by far the most comfortable. baking it will allow you to conform it perfectly to your head. my man, who bought it for me, is an experienced freeflier. both his camera helmet and freefly helmet are boneheads. B
  3. I received my new Mindwarp Millennium a few weeks ago. I baked it upon receipt to get a perfect fit. It is snug and so comfortable. I tried on 5 different helmets, and the bonehead felt the best. (It also blocks out the most noise.) The new Millennium comes with internal hard audible pockets - so there is no danger of a riser slap knocking off your AA. I've heard that different helmets fit different shaped heads better or worse. Being able to conform an already comfortable helmet to my head, was a big plus. I love it and would definitely recommend it.
  4. bkdice

    Flow Moscow

    I received my new Mindwarp Millennium a few weeks ago. I baked it upon receipt to get a perfect fit. It is snug and so comfortable. I tried on 5 different helmets, and the bonehead felt the best. (It also blocks out the most noise.) The new Millennium comes with internal hard audible pockets - so there is no danger of a riser slap knocking off your AA. I've heard that different helmets fit different shaped heads better or worse. Being able to conform an already comfortable helmet to my head, was a big plus. I love it and would definitely recommend it.
  5. phew... dodged that bullet. i'm sure i'll be gotten this weekend. i won't run - but you might have to drag me.
  6. my goodness... you boys... ok.. here is the monkey.
  7. Did you see someone called you a cutie! hahahaha! ahem. heres one more of freakous - for the ladies. (right before his 600th jump - balloon jump at CSS in April)
  8. Skydive Virginia (www.skydivevirginia.com) And let me add that there is a wonderful man there whos pic i did not post, in fear that so many women would flock to SDV that we wouldn't know what to do.... yes... it's Freakus. See attached.
  9. This is my first post... but I love pics.. so I am attaching 3. One of me and the love of my life, Jonathan. The other is me on my 100th jump (that Jonathan took).