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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. I am so sorry to hear this Laurel. You will both be in my thoughts. Please keep us posted. Stay strong. Bettina
  2. well addie... i'm a little surprised at your inability to persuade her. you struck me as a very influential person last weekend. maybe you lose your edge when you drink - giving the sober one the upper hand. hmm.... will remember that.
  3. based on the kareoke thread, i'd say she has you on a pretty long flexi lead.
  4. ha! sure. man - i haven't laughed that hard in a while! phew...
  5. LOL! THAT was a funny typo!!!! hahahahaha....
  6. It's like $60. Maybe you can get Dougie in your room too.
  7. curly cat - come up friday night. traffic will suck less (after rush hour of course). it will probably suck a lot on the way home sunday though. red carpet inn seems to be the place of choice. 856-728-8000. have pc call. they guys isn't easy to talk to and i'm sure he wouldn't do well with a relay service.
  8. hotel booked for friday night - camping saturday night.
  9. May 5 - and this year it's 050505 I suppose I'll start celebrating at Xkeys.
  10. will this be your first trip to xkeys, dougie fresh?
  11. hope your 'performances' are better than your spelling! what is 'ostaisfy'? is that a new 'trick' that i don't know about?!
  12. here you go.... dig my cool ROO shoes! i'm just really hoping it will be warm. i hate wearing hats and fleece and drinking more than i should just to stay warm! edited to add the pic
  13. She sent it to me today. I can do better! We'll try again at Xkeys.
  14. I am so sorry. I will hope for the best for you and your family. Try to stay positive.
  15. hope to make it to the july one. i NEED coaching SO bad. i suck! plus i miss you guys! skydive atlanta is so freakin awesome too! there is no way i can wait until halloween to play there again.
  16. i'm so sorry sweetie. hang in there!!!
  17. oh boy - a variety!!! yes - and if the cloud base is over (way over) 1900 feet, i'll jump one this time.
  18. I love my firefly suit. It's a custom design, but is similar to the V stripe.
  19. since your definition of 'chilly' is probably anything below 70, then yes, bring some warm clothes. xo
  20. bkdice


    got an email from her a week ago. she's doing well.