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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. It appears that Mel is not teasing - though it will just be her. JJ will be off at Eloy being a badass. Big Melly - I can't tell you how this news has made my day. We will have so much fun!
  2. I know Isaiah from PD will be there.
  3. And we'll have you Sat night - right?
  4. CSS' (NC) Easter Boogie is March 23-28. A bunch of people from our DZ usually head down for this boogie. Anyone else planning to be there?
  5. man friend? hahahaha... of COURSE my J will be with me. a true master flirt can perform their art with anyone - involved or not - because they do it respectfully - all in good fun. i tell you, mr. cowden does have it mastered. i'm sure there will be some single girls there for you to flirt with too.
  6. Jake - you have not yet flirted with me to the degree Chris Cowden has. If you come to the Easter Boogie, we'll see if you can't swoop that spot. Nightjumper is also a great flirt! All the ladies love him! He's not coming to CSS for Easter this year though.
  7. CHRIS COWDEN is right! Definitely the biggest flirt here and anywhere! He's got the art MASTERED!
  8. fiance - jeez - get it right. so are you going to send me the pics you did of me and j privately? oh wait - was that you? hmm... maybe it was ivan? or.... um.... am i confusing you with 'vivid video'? ha! see you soon - well when it's warm again up here.
  9. here are a few... mirochristie after her PMS initiation - YAY!!! (jessica aka skycutie - you're next, sweetie. xo) 1st sunset is the 1st sunset of the boogie some of the boys from skydive virginia at the welcome party some sdv folks get together for a belly jump edited to add a big thank you to the PR clan - especially ricky (rsein), marie, christie, jessica, & ivan (ivanrockon). lots of friendly people from ck, pr, oregon, and some very funny crew dogs - all in a GORGEOUS setting (turquoise water on one side, lush green mountains on the other - it doesn't get any more beautiful). sigh.....
  10. A bunch of us leave tomorrow to do some playing PR with Ricky (rsein) and Marie before the boogie... from Skydive Virginia.... bkdice (bettina) jmfreefly (jonathan) colintri (colin) djl (doug) freakous (mike) lisa brad kelley c greg k chris g See you Wednesday!
  11. Oooo Doug! Look at that avatar! Not sure it matches the pic on your ID. They may not let you on the plane.
  12. I dont think it can. The company I work for sells instruments that use barometric pressure to determine altitude in some of our products. You calibrate your baro pressure. If you are going to use the unit as an altimeter, you will need to calibrate your altitude before each use - keeping in mind that rapidly dropping / rising baro pressure will affect your altitude reading. Also - long breaks in your climb or descent will affect the accuracy as well. Changes in altitude will affect the barometric pressure, which will remain the true baro pressure, if properly calibrated in the first place (on our units). You can choose to calibrate your barometer to your actual altitude or to sea level.
  13. hmmm..... early december. i HATE being uncurrent! but 1 week and 1 day from now, i'll be jumping in PUERTO RICO, so i'm happy.
  14. Ha! I was just thinking - ATL. Every time I've been in that AWESOME King Air - it's gone to 14.5 + - and in less than 10 mins every time too.
  15. I didn't do my first cesna jump until last July when I had close to 300 jumps. I think I was the ONLY one at my dz that hadn't done one.
  16. We just got in from dinner - and the snow is coming down hard. I love snow. I enjoy skiing in it - but I'm SO ready to play with everyone in the 85+ temps. Counting the days.....
  17. Hey Jake! Good luck! My thoughts are with you, sweetie.
  18. I just got back into town last night and searched dz.com this AM for birthday wishes for sunnydee123, and I didn't find any. Her b-day was yesterday - and I could only get a text msg off from my location. So Dee - hope you had a great one girl!!!
  19. bkdice

    White Gloves

    Have you tried equestrian gloves? My favorites are the SSG All Weather Gloves. They come in lots of cool colors (including white). They are stretchy, comfortable, and grippy. I love them! They are great summer gloves. For winter, I can squeeze a liner under them, but would want something thicker for really cold temps.
  20. me too. well, right behind jmfreefly, and right before ccowden and shananay.
  21. yeah.... it's a bummer. end of an era kind of thing. i loved that station throughout the 90s. did the hfstival 91-98. lots of memories.
  22. you don't want a chef. did that. he never cooked at home (since he had to cook at work) and he worked a minimum of 70 hrs a week and got home late and always smelled like food. now, dating a guy who is an excellent cook is a different story. especially if he skydives, is a good masseur, and is very skilled in bed. i've got it made.
  23. hahah.... well chris - you've gotten 3 girls talking about your ass - that HAS to be worth something!
  24. i think he'd prefer his ass spanked to grabbed - but i could be wrong.
  25. i'm shocked chris. all the girls you've got that love you, and not a one to be your sugar momma.