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Everything posted by bkdice

  1. yes - and right afterwards, my boyfriend (NOT a magician) showed me the same trick in our living room.
  2. YAY!!!!!!! I'm SO happy for you Dee! I know that you must be so happy! You are a tough chic and you've been through some rough time this past fall - so it's about damn time for the good news to start rolling in.
  3. well skydive virginia in louisa is my fav - since that is my home. of the dzs i've visited (css, orange, moss point, west point, cross keys, atlanta, zhills, and deland.... well... and rantoul) i'd have to say it's a toss up between skydive atlanta and cross keys. both dzs have a great atmosphere, really friendly people, nice facilities, and are well run. i'm going to have to visit both dzs more this year to make a more informed decision.
  4. you got some poor suckers to PAY for your jumps?! hahaahahhaha.... oh... wait a second.... i won't calculate how much i spent, but probably over $6k (including a brand new canopy, jumpsuit, and some other gear, boogie expenses, and jumps).
  5. definitely! and as you'll see from my post in your wine thread, we will have something good for you to drink.
  6. totally. my favs are bordeaux reds - like medoc and margaux. also love italian barolos. i also like a good (cuz there are lots of not so good ones) shiraz. for white i prefer sauvignon blanc. there are some good ones from new zealand. i'd babble more about it if i were drunk right now. i can def say i'm a total wine snob though. we always have a good selection.
  7. pittsburgh? thats too bad. if you were in the dc area, i'd invite you over. you could hang out with skydivers and watch skydiving.
  8. If any ladies want to become a Pink Mafia sister at the boogie, please PM me!
  9. bkdice


    Oh no! Jake, that is terrible!! I am SO sorry sweetie. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.
  10. Me too! But it's been over 2 yrs for me. However, it comes down to the kind of person someone is. Jumpers and non jumpers certainly can work. For some, that combo is better. Orangejumper's ex sounds like a bit of an insecure witch to me though. "Those" aren't good for anyone - skydiver or not, hot or not.
  11. yeah.... imagine how many homeless / sick / unwanted cats (or other animals) she could help with $50K. i understand loving your pet more than life, but i know when my dog goes, there is no getting him back - not for all the money in the world.
  12. i'll add to your cross-post.... me! jonathan! at least 4 others from skydive virginia.
  13. hey ivan! i'm going. so is jonathan (jmfreefly), and to date, at least 4 other people from my dz.
  14. i'm pretty sure SDV is closed that day. no matter - my place is in the kitchen on christmas.
  15. bkdice


    Mel is one of the most thoughtful people you'll ever meet. That is for sure. She is always doing sweet things for the people in her life. She definitely has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I know.
  16. Well.... we do have you - so you are partially right. But thank goodness there is just one of you - though I know you think otherwise when you go off your meds.
  17. oh - and vienna is about 20 mins from sterling - so def let me know when you get to town and we'll have to hook up for dinner or drinks!!
  18. Only bummer about that is you have to take 95, and that is sometimes less than fun to put it nicely. Make sure you come check out Skydive Virginia. I know everyone feels the love for their own DZ, but while there are other great DZ's out there, SDV has a community like nothing else I've ever heard of.
  19. Are you talking about me? If so - no - I'm not coming to this. I will be at the Puerto Rico boogie Feb 9-13. Wish I could do both. Maybe we can motivate some people to come north to the CSS Easter Boogie in April. Whadda ya think? B
  20. well, ok then. you know you're special to me! so don't try to pull any of that 'you don't love me' sort of crap!
  21. didn't we give your our 2003 dvd???
  22. what?! free! we don't usually..... but maybe for you. i'll think about it.