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    Wing Suit Flying
  1. Check the dimensions of the box against the camera specs you find. If the box permits, I recommend HC 20, 21, 22, 30, 40. They all have all you need (LANC & DV in + other stuff). HC 22 with docking station, other models without. ~~kitiwake~~ Man small, why fall? Skies call, that's all.
  2. Hey guys, you're right! Well, half of you half the time The HC96 does have LANC, but no other camera in the new HC series does (the HC*6 models), which is a bummer I just managed to find a mint-condition HC22 in the local classifieds for $270, compared to a new HC96 that retails for around $770 in my part of the world. A quick run to the ATM and the beauty is mine Thanx 4 your help ~~kitiwake~~ Man small, why fall? Skies call, that's all.
  3. I forgot to add... The HDV HC3 does have LANC, but that's like top of the line and far more expensive than what I intend to buy ~~kitiwake~~ Man small, why fall? Skies call, that's all.
  4. I'm buying my first camera+helmet combination. Camera boxes on helmets rule and Sony Mini DV rulez. But the new Sony HC series (HC 26, 36, 46, 96) has no LANC!!! Pls correct me if I'm wrong, but that means I can't fit a cameye-2 on my helmet and with a camera box that's a big problem for me. The older HC models had LANC, but are not available in shops no more. What do I do? Pls help. p.s. yes, I am considering buying an older model second hand. any other solution? ~~kitiwake~~ Man small, why fall? Skies call, that's all.
  5. by far the best Sony Mini DV review site I found. hope it helps ~~kitiwake~~ Man small, why fall? Skies call, that's all.