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  1. Thanks for the contrasting views. . . now I have to make a decision . . . By the way, I'm new to this sport & had to do a search on "Fandango" . . . I take it it's a movie . . . I think I get the gist of it from what I was reading. . . small, casual operation?
  2. I will be in Kauai next week -- has anyone jumped there? I will be mostly scuba diving (ok- the excuse for going is to attend a friend's wedding, but it sounded like a good dive trip) & will have to give up a day of scuba in order to skydive - is it worth it, or should I wait for my long-awaited skydive #2 until I get back to California, where I scubadive all the time anyway?
  3. Be kind to a newbie, please, Steverino! Dumb question, I suppose, but asked because I didn't notice the need to equalize on the ride up or the jump. Maybe just so used to equalizing as a matter of course. Can hardly breathe sitting still now, though, so probably won't be jumping or diving this weekend!
  4. I also did my first jump (a tandem from 12.5k feet) this weekend, thinking it would be a one-time event to celebrate my 50th birthday. Somehow I have a feeling I was wrong! I thought I'd balk & have to be pushed when it came time to exit, but I never felt any fear, just a great sense of excitement and happiness. Am anxious to go again as soon as possible - but have to figure out how to choose which of my diving passions to do on a particular day - guess I could do sky in the morning & scuba in the afternoon, though not the other way around, of course. And figuring out how to pay for both and still have time for both! Just one quick newbie question - are there issues with skydiving when you have congestion from a head cold like there are with scuba? Don't know if the pressure change is enough to create much of a problem. If there is an issue I may not be able to go again this weekend - bummer!