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Everything posted by yuensolippy

  1. THANKS AGAIN to everyone who responded. i really appreciate it. stay safe!!
  2. thanks for linking me to the article :]
  3. yep, planning on doing a tandem soon! second hand accounts are good material; it gives me more material to work with.. like the reason you just gave me. thanks!!
  4. yeah, customers can be ridiculously demanding at times.. many times. love your quote btw.
  5. hmm i'll be leaving school and entering the working world soon... i'll keep this in mind :D
  6. so there's truth in the quote, "what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger." stay strong!
  7. haha, wind up in debt. i'm a broke college student, but i'll gladly spend some $ on skydiving :D
  8. visit a dropzone.. that's great advice. too bad i was pressed for time. thanks for the input though!
  9. kudos on facing your fear :] stay safe while flying!
  10. .. and the crowd roars with applause. don't forget to bow.
  11. haha ur post reminded me of the gulls in Finding Nemo.. when they wanted to eat marlin and dori. ditto about flight! it's fascinating - to say the least.
  12. boo to naysayers! heh jk. i kno what u mean. thanks for responding!
  13. yeah, when i came up with the topic, the first response that popped into my head was "why NOT?!" thanks :]
  14. yeah, i understand where u're coming from. thanks for the input; i addressed this point during my presentation.
  15. it's a good thing u persevered!! this is years late but congrats on conquering ur fear. thanks for replying :]
  16. haha i must admit that i'm a bit too fond of my friend's skydiving video too. thanks for your input!!! hope u do ur tandem soon :]
  17. hi guys, my name's yuen. i'm doing a persuasive speech for my business communications class, and i came up with the topic: why you should skydive at least once in your life. it'd be GREAT if you all could tell me some of your reasons. thanks in advance!! oh, one more thing; if you had a fear of skydiving but did it anyway, i'd love to hear about how you overcame your fear. yuen