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  1. Hi all, Did my first tandem jump a little while ago... http://www.marksparaglidingpages.com/Video/skydivevideo1.wmv I already paraglide so there was no fear exiting the plane and stuff so I gotta say, it was ok but I think I'm going to have to BASE jump for a real rush. Do you need special kit for BASE? Jason
  2. Hi Chris, I haven't been skydiving (yet). I am an experienced paraglider though and I'd definately recommend getting instruction. I have met skydivers that have converted to paragling and they have some basic misconceptions about the apparent similarities between the equipment. Paragliders are rated according to several systems. Europeans use the DHV system (German). This rates wings according to their recovery characteristics (from collapses) and various pilot inputs in flight. DHV1 is the most stable for begginers DHV1-2 is low intermediate DHV2 is intermediate DHV2-3 is for experience pilots flying regularly uncertified wings - you take your chances! In addition, they come in sizes according to your all-up weight (you, clothes, wing, harness etc). Most paragliders fly with a reserve chute. There is also the option of D-bagging... carefully packed paragliders can be launched from a special bag (D-bag) from microlights, ballons, helicopters etc.... My brother's website shows a lot of videos you can watch online, find the free-flight section... www.marksparaglidingpages.com I have also seen skydivers launching with very small wings when I was in Annecy, France. To be honest, given the rubbish glide angle, I can't see why they would bother when a paraglider will let you fly for a couple of hours and also endulge in aerobatics (a lot of fun - see my new acro clip http://www.inair.nl/video/airdrenalinetrailer.wmv) and thermalling and stuff. Anyway if you do decide to try paragliding, paraglidingforum.com has lots of friendly pilots ready to help you. Regards, Jason Andrews