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    Wing Suit Flying
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  1. Antonov - 2 is super cool with it's low stall speed.
  2. Look homie, it's a tailgate aircraft eh? It's also not just a tailgate aircraft, but a Russian tailgate aircraft. Your training should be able to answer this question. Spasiba.
  3. Remember when skydiving was safe, sex was dangerous and this website was heavily trafficked? Good times. =]
  4. A t shirt vendor at couch freaks had a shirt that pictured a skydiver under canopy and it had a quote that (I think) was attributed to a german ww2 submarine commander. The quote said something along the lines of "Life is primarily a matter of chance. The risks we take have little bearing on the outcome." I'm trying to find the exact quote. Does any one know it?
  5. The new look of dropzone.com for desktop users. No thanks.
  6. Google Chrome users can right click and simply open in Incognito Mode. Thank you for sharing. The future belongs to those of us still willing to get our hands dirty.
  7. What did your instructor/coach tell you? This information is the most pertinent. The future belongs to those of us still willing to get our hands dirty.
  8. Steps for the newbies. 1) Find jumper with a pull out system. 2) Learn how to push a straight pin back under the right side closing flap. 3) Cash check. The future belongs to those of us still willing to get our hands dirty.
  9. Doesn't sound like it. He mentioned the thought of covering the velcro on the rig, and if it was a pull-out the handle would have nothing to attach to and would just be a full time floating pud. In a freefly pud set-up, the attachment to the PC and the BOC pouch would hold the handle in place if you cover the velcro. It wouldn't be as secure, and why it was discouraged upthread. My ex flew (and prolly still does) a pull out wings system. There is velcro involved with wings pull outs. It's quite similar to velcro on a strong dual hawk drogue. The future belongs to those of us still willing to get our hands dirty.
  10. Brand new troll 265 w/ a sail slider off some
  11. I gave up my job as an industrial tailor for the DoD. Thats about 65k additional tax payers dollars that can be used to fight terrorism by bombing civies. The future belongs to those of us still willing to get our hands dirty.
  12. I'd wager they vary HIGHLY from country to country. Higher rates will be found in countries that restrict their citizens from legally arming themselves. The future belongs to those of us still willing to get our hands dirty.
  13. You are three times more likely to be shot by the armed citizen than a LEO if you are a bad guy. For me personally, that number is much higher. The future belongs to those of us still willing to get our hands dirty.
  14. With any luck your company will soon block dropzone.com too. The future belongs to those of us still willing to get our hands dirty.
  15. The chicago wind tunnel http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chicago%20wind%20tunnel The future belongs to those of us still willing to get our hands dirty.