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  • Home DZ
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    Formation Skydiving
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  1. It rocks never having to go to a coffee shop excellent espresso. (Naked Double Ristrettos) for 3 months now I've been rocking out like no tomorrow with my new toys. "The Grinder" La Cimbali's Junior grinder " the machine" La Spaziale's Vivaldi II "The beans" Lavazza's crema & aroma " Along with the "condomints" Guittard chocolate and monin syrups.
  2. volvo 740 turbo 313,354. never rebuilt. original turbo and still getting around 20-23 mpg
  3. would the super mario brothers theme count as a song?
  4. Wtf no love for Daisy? "The Dukes of Hazzard "
  5. Shit

    DLP or Plasma

    Check out its loaded with info hope that helps
  6. STAY OFF OF OAHU! Its a dirty shit hole filled with meth heads that will steal any thing that isn't nailed down. I used to live there for a little of 03-04 (waialua). The only thing Worth a damn is the dropzones on the north shore. just to give you an idea of island life pineapples cost less six timezones away than at the store not even two miles from the place were they were grown! But the skydiving was awesome! Daimond head isn't shit compared to jumping out there. You MUST jump while you are there .
  7. nothin' says lovin' like shit from the oven
  8. I like this one mama mia that'sa one spicy shit
  9. ALL SHIT, ALL THE TIME Get the door, its shit No shit , no commet obey your shit a day with out shit is like a day without sunshine I wish i were a shit weiner moms like you choose shit DUDE! your getting a shit!
  10. Piss on that Don't go to the Grasshopper its a waste. sure it may be right there when you leave central station, but there are better places. try to find Abraxas. check out loaded with info only somke neder hash or ice-o lator. the ice-o-later is the best at the bushdoctor.. try kali mist