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  1. There is no way in hell my kid's are gonna text at dinner or school! Dumb little twit! +100 My daughter isn't allowed to text at all....
  2. Moose Knuckle.... caption cause Camel Toe has a big ugly sister.....
  3. Why yes sir... I have been to Pahokee Most people there have one stick in their family tree... and it goes straight up.... . . . and Plant City? i knew I'd remember one day. What part of Plant City sounds industrial? It is named that becuase it is the strawberry capital of the US....
  4. Ive been wondering where the mods have been for this whole thread and why it hasn't been moved yet????
  5. Why yes sir... I have been to Pahokee Most people there have one stick in their family tree... and it goes straight up....
  6. ALL HAIL MEDIOCRITY! Lets all do just enough to almost get by, then we can have sopmeone else take care of us for us lest we have to actualy DO for ourselves! Are you turning into a democrat?
  7. hair anywhere below the neck is absolutely disgusting on either sex... I mean seriously... who eats chicken with the feathers???
  8. There was a time in my life, that I thought "I needed" someone... Im so glad I got beyond that...
  9. A BIT? Are we going for the understatement of the year award here? That's like saying the atlantic is a "bit" like a lake, or the Antarctic get a "bit" chilly in winter. Florida might be made up of a lot of transplants, but at least your not surrounded by a bunch of pompas ass steers and queers that think their state is the "only" state....
  10. That stinks! I hope Simon was not mean to her.....
  11. Major VIBES!!!!!!!! This is so exciting!
  12. I was gonna ask the same of you.... A pulse is your only requirement right?