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Everything posted by JumperWillis

  1. What obstacles do you have at your DZ and have they ever been a problem for student jumpers?
  2. Most professional skydivers work as contract labor. The fees vary.
  3. Some of the oldest jumpers around still use chest mounted alti's.
  4. #11 is similar to mine. I choose #11.
  5. Cremate me then static line my ashes over Fort Bragg.
  6. Just looking for some answers to questions I have about Tandem/AFF progression as compared to only AFF. What is the cost for Tandem/AFF progression? Is it more risky for the AFF instructor or student when converting to wearing your own gear? Which is the fastest way to the "A" license? As an AFF instructor, are you willing to jump with a student that has done only tandem jumps? Any pros or cons on the Tandem/AFF method for beginners will be most appreciated.
  7. What is the typical cost of the initial tandem jump and subsequent tandem progression jumps? This sounds like a very good program.