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  1. You forgot the GAY part in there EWdit to add: There was a gay postal worker w/ a GUN somewhere
  2. I just read half of the latest bio on her. Her private life was quite sordid. Public life was all a front if the bio was accurate. Pretty much says she was a slut and a bitch to any employees etc. etc. And a moneygrubber.
  3. And you need to fill out your profile, until then I don't really give a s**t what you like! Jeesh. Have sense of humor I'll fill it out when I'm damn good and ready. I have my reasons
  4. My question is. Why is the only info (personal) posted in the police report the SSN# of Mr. Ahmed(#4) and all others are blanked out? My daughter was arrested a few yrs. back and her SSN# was on the police web site. Doesn't that set up a case for identity fraud?
  5. You need to lose the second Gr. I like that better
  6. Does the Pentagon need any more help fucking up, then? (You're not a spelling genius, though). LOL. Good one
  7. Yeah. Screw Army/ Navy. GO GATORS
  8. and wait for them slow ass stews to bring you your drink
  9. Ever met a Lawyer or an Accountant that COULD READ ?! Much less one on the Federal Teat??? ~ I N C O M I N G ! ! ! ~ No. O U T G O I N G !!!...I'm done... This thread has lost its interest for me. It is beyond my understanding why the person who started it steadfastly refuses to file FOIA requests...and then bitches about the information that is not provided. Good luck, Jo, I have better things to do with my life. I think I'm going to rake leaves. Ever try to get a FOIA nowadays? Hope you have plenty of connections and lots of bucks and time. Then when you get it it's half blacked out. Your Govt. at work
  10. Interesting little read on CO also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_monoxide
  11. From what I read she told him shouldn't back him and he withdrew. Good call either way