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Everything posted by Smirniof

  1. I the only one who wakes up to go home?
  2. Before he goes to bed at night, go near him, look him in the eyes, give him a kiss and wish him good night :). That should keep him awake at night.
  3. Same like telling a male're a nice guy ...but I am not gonna sleep with you :P
  4. Hey Nataly, Don't worry about not getting the job. There are many people with double personalities and sometimes half a brain that are doing the hiring. You can usually tell by the string of questions they usually ask at the interview: 1) Why do you wanna work for the company... doh...for the money why else. 2) What are your biggest defects... Do you really expect people to tell you the truth... 3) Can we get a reference from your past employer? ...well if I quit my last job... do you think my employer has nice things to say about me? I can go on and on. Anyways, we can't get rid of all the bad people in this world... just find another job :). Mircea
  5. Good Date you get laid. Great Date... you get a promotion :)
  6. Good date: You wake up. Great date: You wake up married. :)
  7. Just wait till he starts paying allimony ... he won't be talking about kids anymore :D My 2 Cents :P
  8. Dude...anything you do and say to a woman will be used against you, even if your intentions are good.
  9. Steak Combo from Schwartz (Montreal) ...and a number 5 from Magnan :).
  10. off of?? Big, thick, solid oak trees I think they are maple trees :). But thanks for taking my side Nataly :P
  11. Hey Nataly ... My advice... come back to Canada :). We have nice washing machines and driers, no need to pay for fresh water, electricity is cheap and we have nice single men who feed nice girls maple syrup :P. Mircea :D
  12. Never been stalked...would love to be stalked by a few hot women ;)....between 18 and 40 :)
  13. Talk to your doctor. I read on the internet some birth control pills can increase your cup size. Could be a problem with your hormones. Mircea :)
  14. It's not the size that matters's the way you use them ;) Mircea
  15. HEY!!! I don't ruin your fantasies! Nataly I hope you don't have this in mind :D
  16. HEY!!! I don't ruin up your fantasies! My fantasy *is* to have a MASSIVE cock.. Just not one that's physically attached to my own body This is scarry stuff... I wonder what you plan to do with it though :) Mircea
  17. Smirniof


    Hmm... I thought you had a boyfriend?
  18. Hmm... most likely lonely guys going after a hot and sexy chick like you ;) Mircea Live to skydive, skydive to live :)
  19. Buy a mean rottweiller or a pitbull....also ...depending where you live... buy a shotgun and fire a few rounds ...that will keep him away :). Mircea