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    Wild Geese
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    Formation Skydiving
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  1. My suit is already abit baggy as a requested in the form but I think looking back I probably should have added an inch or two around the legs, arms and waist as I know another guy who did this who is about 13.5stone and he can keep with the light jumps and the likes of me really well. I already have the booties, fat grips and inside leg grips. I might buy a new suit soon (2nd hand most likely) alot baggy for big ways with more than one point, even in the base if we turning 8way i have to fight to stay up with my mates, and sink out often.
  2. I orginally brought a poly suit from symbiosis suits, a ‘Poly’ suit is constructed from a hard wearing 65/35 poly-cotton fabric. This suit allows me to fall slower than if i brought a lopo suit, a trim fitting, fast falling suit with a low porosity, which is what everyone i jump with owns. My friends i jump with our from 10 -11stone. I weight 14.5stone and while i am a bigger guy i still fall faster than most and a weight belt with 5-7pounds is usually required. I was thinking of sending my suit back to symbi to get zero p lining inserted to slow me down. However i have heard that this not only slows you down but your turns and have been advised aganist it by some. Has anyone ever adapted their RW suit like this or have an opinion.
  3. thebrick06


    Excellent Audible, is easy to use and fits snug into my helmet. Customer service is excellent and sequence of beeps and clear to hear.