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  1. pretty interesting but what's more interestig is that she'll most likely end up being a teller for the rest of her life and lose 2-5 years off her life due to stress caused by her failure. trust me, i've seen ER and House.
  2. two40

    Used canopy

    :s how much do you weigh?
  3. i like the first one. i thought you might be german looking at the colour selection.
  4. i find it extremely difficult to accept your post as the honest truth. no retailer in their right mind would say that to a customer, no matter how much of a moron you are. on the other hand, nothing out of the states amazes me anymore so why should this.
  5. oh sweet. didn't know they come around. i'll do that. thanks
  6. well i can't argue with 4 of you. thanks for that. what about some of the medium ranged (price) goggles?
  7. which companies make them? i've always had problems with finding a nice fitting pair of glasses so i know it's going to be the same with goggles. what do you guys recommend i look for? btw, its hard for me to just go to a store and try them but i might be able to try other jumper's goggles at the dz. i will more then likely order over the net so need to make sure they fit ok.
  8. hang in there. skydiving is hard, in fact every sport is, when you are new.
  9. ouch. haven't had a problem like that but i do have bruises on my knees and my lower back plus butt is really sore. very first jump i did i was a walking sore muscle for 3 days. i was out of shape so yeah.
  10. is your design a women only solution? i'd hate to have a hard opening with that thing. man ouch!
  11. hi very normal. i've done my first jump twice now and both nights were rather sleepless. i did my very first jump 5 years ago and i do recall the tossing and turning the night before. even the night before the course. i came back this weekend and night before the course i had 4 hours sleep. last night i had about 5 hours but kept waking up throughout the night. completed my jump about 3 hours ago and i'm tired but so pumped there's no way i'll be able to sleep till later on in the night. i tried to nap but it's just not happening. gl with jump and let us know how you went.
  12. so the altitrack wont read an altitude if the battery is dead?
  13. haha that's great! you look great in front of a camera
  14. who needs a wingsuit when you're douggs
  15. first computer was a c64. i played games for 8 hours straight the first day i got it and blew the power pack.