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  1. how much do you pay in the form of a medicare levi? Is it something you pay for each time you get care, or is it more of monthly premium? Also is the cost the same for everyone or is it based on a % of your income
  2. thanx for the tip, I will have to read more about him. I like his foriegn policy views, but not too sure about domestic policy, from what Ive read he seems very Libertarian, not that this is bad, but not quite what I feel this country needs right now to heal the rift between the Left and Right
  3. you mean Newt lied to a grand jury too? No but Skooter did, and thats where the hypocrisy of the entire affair blows me away. You have the Dems trying to make Fitzgeralds investigation seem important and signifigant and at the same time say Star's was a partison witch hunt and you have the Rep's saying the exact same thing and just reversing the roles. Personaly I think both cases were a complete waste of our money and did nothing more than leave me hoping that theres gonna be a quality independent in 08
  4. we are definately on the same page, Im not suggesting that the taxpayers foot the bill for a breast enhancement or nose job, just the basic needs, but I think providing the less fortunate with acsess to preventive medicine such as yearly checkups at a clinic, rather than an emergency room could go a long way at saving the average taxpayer alot of money, in the long run. My insurance premium has doubled in the last 5 years, some radical changes are going to have to be made to the current system or healthcare will only be something most of us will experience by watching lifestyles of the rich and shameless
  5. I agree, there is always going to those that do without something, most of the people you see in the streets begging in America are just searching for their next nickle bag of whatever. But that doesnt change the fact that our government spends the same amount per capita as European countries on healthcare, yet we only cover a portion of our citizens with that money and they cover everyone. It seems to me that reorganizing our system as per Bill Von suggetions we could cover everyone and it wouldnt cost anymore than we spend already
  6. After reading some of your posts it seems your solution to America's healthcare problem is to basicly cull the heard, is that correct?
  7. I respect your point of view, but what exactly do you suggest we do about all of the people that cannot afford healthcare? Ive been to countries that share your beliefs, and there was lepars begging on the streets, I dont think that would be acceptable in the USA.
  8. I believe that we should fix the system by duplicating what is working well in all the countries that have healthcare systems superior to ours
  9. if the US spends $2548 per capita on healthcare and only a % of the citizens are getting government paid healthcare, doesnt that make our system extremely inefficiant in relationship to all those countries listed that spend a similar amount and everyone recieves government paid healthcare?
  10. I couldnt agree more, when I was a teenager we would all congregate at the Mall, we never bought anything, it was just a meeting place to find out where that evenings open party was going to be. If ID was required we probably would have gone elsewhere
  11. yes, China's market slid over CONCERNS, those arent actual fundamentals, just state of mind. But it does make you wonder where we are going to borrow money from if the Chinese tighten up their wallet.
  12. the Dow is down 400 points and the Nasdaq over 90 its amazing how bad the finacial market can overreact to comments when nothing has actually changed fundamentaly since yesterday
  13. Is it possible she requested a larger jet than Hassert because being Speaker of the House requires her to travel with more equipment than just Hasserts Congressional Rubber Stamp?
  14. It has occured as a result of the uproven theory of supply side economics, throwing down a dollar and picking up a dime.
  15. what about this? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16668110/ Attorney general Gonzales stating that federal judges are unqualified to make rulings affecting national security, and that they should defer to the will of the president and congress. So does that mean that the constitution doesnt apply to anything that is labeled as "national security"?