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Everything posted by base1072
and dacron lines dont cut into u the way spectra does so lets say your hanging in a tree or of an antenna for a while or on a guide wire have u ever tried to climb up spectra it sucks and it will gut u like a kinfe as well trust me ive had it wrapped around me it sucks bad but not dacron its soft and easy to climb JT these kids will never learn
please for the love of God this was a BS jump nothing happend and know one cares if it was a cool jump i could see u wanting to brag but give us a brake already I feel asleep reading it after 2 minutes so did anything even remotely cool happen
no he stinks at golf but hes really good at playing house wife
A girl I dated looked up stitistics on dangerous sports and ofcoarse the was all the other fag sports but they didn't list BASE as one because they wrote it was to hard to calculate they said basiccly its suicide with a parachute if u only jump pussy objects and u want to be a pussy u might live through it but if u really want to be cool u have to be willing to die or be a gimp
call me craker my friend is a pro down hiller and has a sweet set up on his helmit kind of like the one 980 had on his
whats the deal with night base I would asume thats how most people got there BASE number where do u even send in for that or on that note where can i send in for a tard over and roll over base # not that they mean everything
video is evidece what are u thinking the only video of u i want to see is you and your fiance
we all know your gay but it has nothing to do with BASE jumping you were just born that way so stop fighting it
well your gonna live longer than us
yah no shit DP is cool in fact its the best
that sucks RIP brother
this is crazy talk take it off why add another element to the equation for an off heading maybe 9 times out of 10 your fine but that one time your slider catchs the side of your container or twists your risers and ban your eating a building. not me buddy ill keep mine off and so will anyone else jumping with me my stance on this is, if u want to come to my town and jump with me. then u do it with out a slider or u can find your own objects and jump alone sliders kill and if u have a riser release I have a very hard time beleaveing that a slider will save u Ill test this theory in the summer and video it hell I could be wrong ///out of a plane but on less your over alot of water or tress your gonna wish u were dead anyway and if u hook up a riser wrong and dont do a gear check then u deserve what u get
I use a jet pack to fly over the top of the wire but jet packs are like sex they only last a few seconds
my firends mom is a nurse so when I was respecting the BASE ethics thing I just got stiches Know I just use bolt cutters but razor wire scares are cool, and they make for a good story
just talked to Shane i was wrong 115 is plenty of altitude go for it. just make sure u get video and several angels some people like to learn the hard way
the bigger your canopy is the more altitude u loss on opening and smaller canopies have shorter lines so u can flip it faster if u dont already know this stuff u shouldn't be jumping shit that low how many jumps do u have any way
go bigger play it safe. if u are jumping a canopy that big its for a reason maybe u have low jump numbers or maybe your a big guy what ever it is don't go 2 small because when it comes down to it the smaller the canopy the faster it goes. which means the less time u have to correct for lamp, posts, wires, cabs ,and other buildings and the smaller the canopy is the harder u will hit something. there are things in in urban settings that u cant control. or u cant see like rebar on a construction site u just never know if your going slow u can see shit like that and aviod it
how high is that A
if your looking for fast horzontil seperation then your looking the wrong way. suppose u have a 180 with line twist then what I know it will never happen I said the same thing guess what it does go deep if its not a span and go big or go home
yo fucker i have to leave the country for a while till some shit blows over so ill be chillen in coast rica / pannama and columbia lets hook up. there i can always by my way out of trubble or even better just shoot my way out
no I had a 3 way with 2 hot chicks
I'm sleeping with 7 diffrent girls right know doe that count
BASE is all about luck some time one get's delt a good hand and sometime's you get a crapy one it's all luck, skill has nothing to do with it so there's no reason to learn to skydive first
yah but my 218 raven turned faster than my mojo 190 and I like the comfort I get from a canopy that can dodge odjects fast like steet lamps and other buldings, trees and such. although my mojo has always put me down safe even when I thought it was all out of flight BY THE WAY HAS ANY ONE tried jumping thr R-MAX reserve for base