I have completed level C SERE school through USAJFKSWCS, so allow me to clarify:
although i cannot say much (a lot is classified) as far as the "big three" go, it is all you are required to give as a POW. The problem is you can be a prisoner of war, a prisoner in other-than-wartime-conditions, or a hostage (being captured by a terrorist group, non military/gov't group, etc).
The course motto was "Survive and return home with honor"
COL Nick Rowe, the founder of SERE and a POW with the VC for 5 years understood this. In his book "Five Years to Freedom" he explains how one of his mates that was captured with him, Captain Rocky Versace, played the hard ass and only gave the big3 and NOTHING else. He was executed about two years into captivity.
Although i cannot delve into resistance techniques, i can assure you, that "only your name rank and serial" is not what is taught in this course.
What sets level C apart from level A and B is the Resistance Training Lab (RTL), basically a 4 day mock POW camp. We are captured, physically and mentally assaulted, and brought to the lowest places of the human psyche. During this time is when you painfully realize that reciting the "big three" will not suffice and that we must fall back on the techniques taught to us.
Read any number of books authored by POW's and you wont see the hollywood hero spitting in the face of his captors and saying, "SGT John Duffy, 123-45-6789. You want anything else, you'll just have to kill me". Rather you will see men and women striving to survive both physically and mentally all the while standing on their honor.
The POW's we got to meet and talk to after being "liberated" from the RTL and debriefed were among the most honorable and upstanding men i will likely ever meet.
Being a captive at the enemies hand is quite possibly the darkest place a human can go, and those men and women survive on their hope and their honor. It is only after we have lost everything that we are free to do anything