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Everything posted by jorma

  1. jorma


    I've put 200+ jumps on my Hurricane 135 and I like it very much! I picked mine up at Icarus in South Africa (through Manny). They were much better at customer service than Chute Shop (as it was called back then). The Hurricane is a great canopy for a fantastic price. It packs very easily because the material isn't nearly as slippery as most other canopies. Openings are good, consistent and smooth, and on heading if you steer it a bit. Glide ratio is very flat when in brakes allowing you to stay up there and get back when you need to. The canopy builds up quite a lot speed when flown right. I do 180 hook turns on my front risers, making deep carving turns, and I get pretty decent swoops out of it. The canopy is very solid and predictable and can be flown conservatively when you need to land in a tight spot. Put it at the top of your demo list if you're in the market for a non-cross-braced elliptical. The price / performance is second to none!
  2. Never mind about that first remark man, I must have been asleep :)
  3. I get asked to provide a password when updating my profile. Just no place to put it on the form, oh and I live in The Philippines so if you could add that to the country bit :) Cool site!