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Everything posted by animal

  1. Hi Jojo I know what you mean about our weather! I started AFF weeks ago, and am up to level 6. I'm having to jump on weekends cos of work, and it's driving me nuts to look at blue skies out of my classroom window on weekdays, then open my curtains on sat/sun to cloud or ridiculous amounts of wind!!! Grrrrrr . We'll get there eventually, and who knows, maybe we'll catch up sometime over the summer. I'm training at Langar, but I'm keen to try out other DZ's. Good luck and fingers crossed for blue skies this weekend! I can resist everything except temptation.
  2. Hi! I too got hooked after doing tandems. I'm now up to level 6 of my AFF, it's taking ages because of our stoooopid british weather. But I'll get there in the end, and so will you! Good luck with the saving, and however much you think you need, double it and add some more - skydiving has already left me totally broke, but do I care...
  3. Hullo Graeme I'm in the UK too, currently doing AFF at Langar. Did tandems at Hinton, and boyfriend has jumped at just about all the UK DZ's, but recently mostly at UKPara, nr Attleborough. Am planning to try out some more DZ's myself over the summer, so maybe I'll catch you around at some point! Take care, and good luck with the rig hunt! Deb I can resist everything except temptation.
  4. Hello! Yep, the waiting is a pain - I am in England, trying to get my AFF done at this time year (crazy idea huh). I've done levels 1-4, and am hoping for good weather next weekend to get 5-7 done. Mind you, the 'bonus' of waiting is that it gives you more time to save money, cos trust me, you are gonna need a serious wedge of cash! All the best for the 17th, and if you are really going stir crazy waiting, why not try to get a few minutes in a wind tunnel? That's what I did before I started and my instructor reckons it's paid off. Cheers! Deb I can resist everything except temptation.
  5. Hullo Sean I'm only a little bit further on than you - I've done two tandems, and on Saturday I passed the first two levels of my AFF course here in England. Just wanted to wish you luck with the saving - I have blown my 'new kitchen' fund on my AFF course and don't regret it in the least! I'm quite sure that I shall never have any 'spare' cash again! Keep saving though, and all the best for your course when you start. Deb I can resist everything except temptation.
  6. Cheers Bill, especially for what you said about the girls. I have been feeling just a tad guilty about the risks I'm exposing myself to, especially as they are so young (5 and 8). But what you said makes so much sense - I want them to grow up and follow their dreams, and maybe watching me follow mine will show them the way.... I did another tandem this week cos I just couldn't wait to get up there again and this one was even better. I'm off to get a good nights sleep now - first day of AFF tomorrow. I feel like a kid on xmas eve, I want to get to sleep so that tomorrow comes quick! Thanks again, to you and to everyone who has taken the time to make me feel welcome
  7. You are absolutely right - even with flights and accomodation included it works out about the same as training in England. I'd love to jump on a plane to the states, but as I am the lone parent of two stunningly beautiful girls (Biased? me?) I'm afraid the child care issue has me stumped. My family/friends are great about having them for a few hours here and there, but I couldn't expect anyone to take them for a week or more. They both think it's pretty cool that mum wants to fly though.
  8. ***I was the same way! Did my first tandem on November 24th, second jump on New Year's Eve and just completed the AFF training 2 days ago. Congratulations! My instructor tells me I can start next Friday! I'm stoked, but am thinking a whole week is ages - maybe I should do another tandem in the meantime....or another 5mins in the tunnel....or both
  9. Thanks for the reassurance everyone! As for the money....the new kitchen I've spent 3 years saving for just aint gonna happen. But do I care? Nope. Won't be able to afford the food to cook in it anyway, right? Seriously though, I'm really looking forward to getting started on my AFF, and am just cursing the stupid British weather. I've been trying to get as prepared as possible by going to a wind tunnel, and that is managing to keep me from going too stir crazy. And sad as it must sound to all you guys, I was pretty chuffed when I managed to turn in both directions and move backwards and forwards without crashing. Small steps, I know, but it's a start eh? Any advice about anything at all greatly appreciated. I can resist everything except temptation.
  10. Hullo everyone! I did my first (tandem) jump last week and ever since I've thought about little else but jumping. I've been to a wind tunnel and booked my AFF course. Now I'm alternating between feeling totally hyped about the whole thing, and being scared stupid. Is this normal? I can resist everything except temptation.