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Everything posted by kneepuff

  1. We didn't use radios in my AFF training. I think this would have helped me find the proper flare point for my landings... Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  2. RB, I'm so sorry to hear this happened but so glad that you are okay. Since you and I took the AFF together and got the same instruction I am very interested in the responses here. Tne more I think about it and the more experience I get jumping the more I realize how much more there is to learn. Seems to me that the closer you get to the ground the more important the skill base is. Turning flips and maneuvering in freefall is a blast, but I sure wish I had more training on landing and everything that goes with approaching the landing. I'll be looking into a canopy control class as soon as school gets out! Good luck RB! See ya at the DZ! Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  3. Okay. So I went to the Eloy DZ on Sunday. Much bigger than my home DZ. More expensive. More crowded, bigger operation. Kinda get lost in the crowd. I didn't plan on jumping after everything I heard. Anyway, I checked the place out and watched the "show" for quite a while. It was fun to watch so many skilled skydivers in one place. The landings were FAST and pretty amazing. I also went to Marana on Monday. Much more like my home DZ. A couple of groups of jumpers were practicing accuracy landings (is that what it is called?) for an upcoming competition at Eloy. Both places were interesting and I would like to jump at both of them. On my next trip to Tucson to visit my dad in the summer I'll give it a go. Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  4. Yep. That's what i would do first - check the aerial map, watch some jumpers....then give it a go I'm in Tucson right now so we'll see. I'll have my A before long so I'll jump next time I come out if I don't get to this time. Thanks for the responses everone. Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  5. No, I don;t quite have my A yet. But I'm working on it. Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  6. Well, I'll see what happens. I'm going to visit even if they don't let me jump. Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  7. Hi All, I'm headed out to Arizona to visit family and I thought I would take the opportunity to get myself over to the Eloy DZ to do a jump or two. Anything I need to know? I usually jump at the Parachute Center in Lodi, California. Thanks! Mary Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  8. Good for you, hosehead! I can relate. I'm just back after 3 surgeries from a shattered right wrist - also not jump related. But, it sure is nice to be back in the swing of things! Have fun up there!!!
  9. Congratulations on landing safely! Congratulations on recognizing that you needed to cutaway and then doing it. I'm another low number jumper with a low number first cutaway so I understand what you felt and are still feeling. Glad to see that you are processing everything and going over it with your trainers so that you can learn from the experience. Smart! Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  10. So what happened!?!? The toggle slipped out of your hand? How come you didn't think to reach back up and grab it. I'm all not for judging some one else but there was one at my DZ a couple of weeks ago where the lady explained after LANDING a LINEOVER that she didn't want to pay for the handles because she was afraid of dropping them. You must be the opposite if I understood your "malfunction". . No, guess you didn't understand my "malfunction". My "malfunction" as stated in my original post was that the toggle came off in my hand - as in completetly detached itself from the line. Not that it slipped from my hand. I did plenty of thinking. I thought of exactly what I was taught in my training and executed the EPs accordingly. Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  11. Wow! Yep. You have me beat. Glad it turned out okay for you.
  12. You're right. It is nice to know that I can handle the situation. But I also realize that it was a really easy situation this time. Next time could be hairier. I'll not get too comfortable with myself up there. Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  13. I had my first cutaway during my AFF training. Yep. Jump 6 of the training. Exit and freefall were excellent. Chute deployment beautiful. The chute opened beautifully. Then I went to release the brakes and the left toggle came off in my hand! Well, I remembered reading something about another way to steer the chute, but we had not covered it in training, and I had no expereince with it, so, I thought to myself, "Good parachute? Bad parachute? Can I steer it? Can I land it?" Nope - not on jump 6 of my training. I made the decision to release the main and deploy the reserve. I did it all calmly, without panic, and had a nice tidy landing, too. I guess it is pretty unusual to have a cutaway so early. I wasn't expecting to use my emergency training so soon but I am happy to know that I can handle it. Thank you Bill, for being so tough on me that morning before we went up. You'll be glad to know that I shouted all the commands out loud as I released and deployed. ;-) So, how many jumps did you have in before you had to do a cutaway? And what's your story? Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  14. Thanks everybody for the info. Ed - I didn't realize that he would sell the gear that I learned on. I did know about the jump and rental rates. I'm planning on dropping in at the DZ on Tuesday so I'll be sure to ask Bill some questions. Thanks again! Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  15. I live in Northern California. Anybody know of any actual stoes in Nor. Cal. that sell skydiving gear? I want to be able to try on a couple of different suits and get the feel of some equipment before I buy. I've seen tons of gear and suits on line, but I'm shy about purchasing on line. My DZ has limited equipment and clothing for sale. I'm willing to travel a couple of hours to the right store. Thanks! Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  16. Hi freakyflyer! Great! Hope to see you there! The DZ is open 365 days a year! That's right. EVERY day of the year. Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  17. Haha. So true, I'm sure. Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  18. I have 9 jumps. Just completed the AFF training. Each landing was video taped so that we could study and learn from them. I tended to flare too high so I'll work on that. Plus I did the fanny landings which I want to change. I looked on for the book you mentioned but couldn't find it. Do you have any idea where we can find it? Thanks! Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  19. hmmm...Good point DougH! Personally I need to improve my landings. This may be a useful read for me. Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  20. CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome back! Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  21. First of all - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I recently did the AFF training. The advice I have read in this thread is pretty much right on. I went into it with no advice - just desire, common sense, and a determination to please my instructor on every jump and then to learn what I could from the result of each of the jumps. Pay attention to the instructors. Be serious about it. Have some fun. Stay hydrated and eat as needed. Know the procedures. Ask questions if you need to. Good luck! Can't wait to hear all about it! Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!
  22. Hey Catz - How far are you from Davis? I just did my AFF training in Lodi at The Parachute Center. Seems like we can find a DZ closer than 2 hours away for you. Are you still into sportbikes and do you race? I'm familiar with the AFM. The two friends that I went through training with are racers in that organization. Kneepuff Girls just wanna have fuh hun!