there is a website in u.k. called "get a note from your doctor" that has a lot to say about the state of affairs on this matter, esp in u.k.
so here's what you do. stay _away_ from the big well known drop zones. they like to think they control the sport and all who participate (or _want_ to participate) in it. they are jerkoffs.
instead, go to a remote, small, obscure dropzone, preferably one that charges less for the usual stuff, tandems, AFFs, etc. they need the mula and are likely to overlook any shortcomings. sign up for AFF or refresher jumps, coach jumps, whatever it is that channels your money their way. and lie, lie, lie about your medical status. as long as you aren't going to endanger others or burn it in, there's no harm done in this. and if they look the other way and take your money, thank your lucky stars because you are dealing with rightous dudes.
but if you do this, IT IS UP TO YOU to decide that you are really fit to jump.
btw, the u.k. and european countries strike me as being rather stodgy in their medical fitness attitude. in u.k. if you are over 40, you need note from Dr. Nanny to jump. how stupid is that?