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Everything posted by Lawdog1

  1. I bought an anaglog galaxyII as my first with about 20 or so jumps. It's accurate, reliable and I still use it when the battery dies on my Neptune. IMHO go analog first, it will last decades.
  2. We had Bonehead cunstom make a run of the clam shell half rack camera helmets they no longer sell. The Best!!!
  3. I jump at Midwest Freefall in MI. From my understanding Randy doesn't acccept them there either.
  4. The Tecumseh Otter is on lease from Spaceland, as is the Otter at Midwest Freefall
  5. Here's my mid-life crisis moment. First one and decided to come up wth something big
  6. This is the only activity I have ever engaged in that, from the time I arrive on the DZ to the time I leave, no other aspect of my life enters my mind. Not work, bills, money, housework . . . nothing. It's a true mental vacation. My 2 cents
  7. QuoteGhost flying the whip. Sweet description! I think you invented a new phrase
  8. And of course be able to identify the location of any ponds that may or may not lie below the deck you intend to jump off of.
  9. From my State (Mi) and point of view, he could face liability depending on the facst. Clearly he is on notice that, on occasion, jumpers land on his property. There is a forseeable risk of harm, even if the jumpers are trespassing, from the barbed wire. The fence probably doesn't matter. If a jumper injured his/herself climbing over the fence to leave the property, he may not be liable if there are other ways off the property. He may however have a probelm if a jumper flew into the barbed wire. I'd bet after the first claim against his homeowners policy his insurer would make him take it down. my 2 cents
  10. Thanks to all who relied. I really was just curious and have no plans to change gear at all. Looking forward to hundreds of jumpd on my spectre. As with most gear related issues, I guess the answer comes down to wing loading, experiance and of course personal preferance. BUT Truman used to pack chutes in 'Nam and repacks his every week (and adds dust on top of them when he does).. He also puts fresh laundry in his containers, as he is such a pimp, he knows nobody but HIM (and the coyote) would jump a laundry-main loaded rig "At least he has one chute and . . . MY LAUNDRY" "Burn his car!
  11. Thank you Hausse. And yea if everyone actually read the first sentance of my post, I am not looking to buy gear, I love my spectre, I was just curious
  12. As a recent AFF student (fall '06-spring '07) I can tell you my personal experiance from training at several dz's for my "A" in MI was excellent. In fact I'm glad I had the chance to learn from many different instructors/coaches at 3 dz's, as I was able to see different teaching styles, trainning programs etc. send me a PM if you have any specific questions
  13. Ok to prevent the anticipated flames . . I am not looking to change gear. This just a question for the sake of my curiosity for those that may have personal knowledge. Is there such a thing as an entry level elliptical? Obviously not x-braced, or as ground hungry as a Katana seems to be. But a canopy that will ease someone into the world of high performance elliptical 9 cells? A Nitron? A Saffire? ( described as lightly elliptical but so is my spectre) A Vision? Yes I know wing loading is a huge, maybe the biggest, factor so don't go there. Just looking for info about designs in general
  14. Were you one of the AFF's that got weathered out last weekend? I was out there on wednesday and was hoping you guys could make your first jumps. From someone who was in your place 2 years ago: WELCOME TO THE FAMILY. Although a strange analogy: like vampires, once you jump (bitten), from now on, things just aren't the same and you can never go back! See you at the dz
  15. Or the tandems could do clear and pulls from 4,500 ft. If the video was ultra-ultra slo-mo, the play back could resemble a semi real skydive. Hey just a thought. But the home heating oil thing also holds promise.
  16. Help, I dropped my keys next to the door, then got in my car and it accidentally LOCKED! I was stuck for days!. OnStar just laughed at me as did the cops, the locksmith, and various passers-by. We live in a selfish and un-caring age.
  17. From the perspective of a newbie that just got their first rig this year (rented for 80 jumps), Although I purchased a new 150sq ft main, 40sq ft smaller than I was used to flying, my new wing loading (1.1) coupled w/ the comparativly conservative canopy design (spectre), was perfect for me. Of course I have experianced the wrath of slight uneven flaring on landing (much more sensitive!), and haven't done anyting radical even up high, and won't untill I take a canopy control course, I LOVE the thing and plan to jump it for years. But always ask the instructor(s)!!!
  18. In brief reply, I'm a newbie with only 100 jumps and basicly know zero knowledge re: DZ profitability, but from limited expeirance with this specific plane. It gets to full alt. quicker by putting the 3-4 tandems (plus 1-2 vids) out lower first. By common sense only this probably results in less fuel consumption. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'll defer to those w/ more experiance
  19. A DZ in MI recently changed its practice to put the tandems out FIRST at 10k-11k on one pass and the up jumpers, and AFF out at 13.5-14k on a second pass with their standard engine caravan. This seems to save quite a bit of upper altitude climb time which in turn saves gas ( I Like), Reduces the possiblity of later groups getting out too far away and having to pull high (I also like) and the Tandem students don't seen to be complaining about losing 15 sec or so of free fall time.
  20. I had the same problem last year. Could not find a complete used rig with the right main/harness size I wanted. I eventually bit the bullet and bought new. Soemthing you might consider as your price range can put you into some new gear. Why not buy a new canopy and used rig or vice-versa?
  21. MADE had that scene. Vince Vaughn put a beat down on someone with a pay phone
  22. As the risk of being repetitive, it depends on wheather you are looking for someting specific or the overall experiance. As I'm based in michigan I can't comment on things like access to a windtunnell, CRW or in-depth wing suit coaching. If specialized trainning is the determining factor, most of the dz'z I hvave seen wont make most list . . . However. . . if an overall good time is the key (ie attitude of dz employees, dz regulars, and availability of slots for either a 182 or caravan) then from my albiet limited and biased experiance, midwest freefall, napoleon skydiving (both of which I believe now operate out of the same airfield), and tecumesh are great in my book, and Randy at Midwest has the fastest, most badass 182 I've yet to see! My 2 cents
  23. For what it's worth, comming from a newbie like yourself. I'm assuming the rigger and packer(s) know about your malfunction (was it a tension knot?). I would have tried to jump again the same day on your own pack job. It is my understanding that student rigs, if they are to be used by a student, are to be packed by a rigger, under the supervision of a rigger, or by the AFF-I or IAD-I. Actually it may have been a cmparativly good thing you got that rig instead of an AFF level 1 student who might not have delft with the malfuftion as quickly as you did and the reaults could have been different. My 2 cents
  24. Ok . . I know I'll get alot of heat for this (probably deserved to some degree). BUT How many rentals have you newly licensed paid for before plunking down a wad for used or a BIG wad new new gear? I'm still renting and by now could have had an old but acceptable rig. For me, I can afford 25 bucks here and there or 60 dollars for a full day rental, but I'M struggleing to come up with a big chunk of change for a used rig, and the thought of putting $5,500 and up for a complete new rig on my credit card is daunting.
  25. Les Paul pioneered Multi-track recording