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    Weston on the Green
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  1. Biggest one for me is actually doing my first jump and then becoming addicted. The plan for next year is to complete my AFF in January and then progress on from there. Nick
  2. Don't scratch it and keep it covered with Savlon. Nick
  3. That's exatcly what I say to myself. If I can jump out of and plane at however many ft and trust either the equipment (when I was on SL) or in myself, I can do anything I put my mind to Nick
  4. Hey 3fLiEr See your from Oxford too, where do you jump? Nick
  5. Here's one for everybody. How did you get into skydiving and what training system did you use? I did my static line jump just to see what is was like and then got hooked, managed 15 jumps on RAPS but am now going to do AFF. Nick
  6. Forgot that this thing signs your name for you. Nick
  7. Extreme ironing!!!!!!! Nick
  8. At the moment I'm trying to get jumping as high as possible, highest so far is just 5K as I'm only on RAPS, but I've booked myself to get on a AFF course in the US in January. Will probably see you up at Weston in the summer then. Nick Nick
  9. Jo If you don't want your Weston jump tickets I might be able to offer you a good price for them!!! I went up to Hinton the other weekend, didn't get a chance to jump but it was just good to do the normal thing of standing round drinking tea and talking cr@p. Nick Nick
  10. I jump at Weston (in the UK), all the people made me feel at ease (only a student on RAPS at the moment) and are really friendly, another advantage is that it only takes me about 20 minutes to get there. Nick
  11. I would go with Skip on Leon ( The Professional ) but would alsp add Das Boot (german U boat film). Nick
  12. Try this URL, they have some of the most unreal holidays and trips I've seen.
  13. Only 15 so far (half way through RAPS), but try stopping me doing more. Nick