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Everything posted by EricVigneault

  1. Hello everyone, My name is Eric and I work at Ouragan Suits. A lot rumours are floating around about us and nobody seem to know exactly what's going on, so here it is; Ouragan Suits has grown. In August 2006, it has merged with another known Canadian manufacturer. Ouragan Suits Intl first move was to relocate the main production facility to Canada. The reason was purely economical. The textile technology is a lot more accessible over there, and the cost of labour is lower. Everyone that works on the production floor is either a licensed rigger or has a sewing degree. Once the setup was complete the first goal was to catch up on the long past dues orders. As of Thursday February 22nd 2007, Ouragan Suits Turnaround time is at 45 days. Starting April 1st, we will be offering a 30 days guaranty delivery as standard turnaround time. A 15 days rush delivery will also be available. The orders that are not already delivered will be within the next 45 days. If you have any question regarding an order, feel free to contact me. I will directly put you in contact with the production floor. Ouragan Suits US branch located in Deland Fl will remain open as our US main service point. Although this summer it may be temporarily closed for reorganization. If that's the case, service will be provided by the main production floor. I totally agree with everyone that is saying that customer service was not up to par to the enormous task, and was virtually non-existent. The fact is that the small company that it was, when it was first started, became a victim of its own success. The well intentioned employees used to do everything on their own. The increasing amount of orders quickly became a nightmare for them. As of today, Ouragan Suits has a well-staffed customer service department ready to answer all customers' need. We are catching up. Ouragan Suits Intl next goal is to be more accessible to everyone in North America and Europe. This is why they are now developing a distributor network. They currently have ten distributors in North America, two in Europe and they gladly take new applications for the next year. Ouragan Suits is now offering a Master rigging service, a complete line of skydiving products and a Research & Development Department accessible to all customers and distributors. There latest project… Ouragan RW suit. Ouragan Suits Intl next big move is to grow outside Skydiving, in fact it has already started. Our R & D team is currently working on a race car suit and Mountain Bike pants. Within the next month, our well known Art Director Nancy is coming out with her new line of T-Shirt. I sincerely hope that answered some inquiries, if anyone needs more information, please email me, it will be my pleasure to speak with you, and address any concerns you may have. Eric Vigneault