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  1. That's not a bad idea. I was even thinking of switching to an AFF program after getting rechecked with an MRI. The combination of hanging, dropping and arching, and doing the DCRP all at once might be messing me up. I was going to test myself in a wind tunnel later too, before getting started again. Thanks.
  2. Thanks everyone for the insights (which is exactly what I was looking for, not actual "medical advice"). I've seen multiple orthopedic surgeons to which I have described all the above and they've dismissed it by saying, "I don't know" and "probably just a pulled muscle", so learning from others in the same/similar boat gives me confidence to go back to another doctor and request an MRI since it may be something beyond what I've been told. When a person goes to a doctor and explains a problem they are putting trust in that person that they know what they are talking about and are versed in all the sorts of injuries that might explain said issue. When the people who are supposed to know these things dismiss you and make you feel like a crazy person it's nice to hear others who can back you up with their own personal experiences. With this in mind, I will attempt to get an MRI to make certain there are no other issues I'm not aware of. I'm excited to continue diving, but want to make sure I'm capable before putting both myself and others at risk. Thanks again everyone, I appreciate you all taking the time to give me the insight of your experience.
  3. Hi All, I apologize if there is another thread where the same thing is discussed, but I couldn't find one with a few searches. I'm looking for any advice anyone could give since I can't find any information online and the doctors say there is no problem they can find. Basically, I had a shoulder dislocation about 11 years ago, then again 10 years ago (non-diving related for both), and got shoulder reconstruction on my right shoulder in 2001. I started a static line program this past summer. On my first jump, when dropping from the wing strut I apparently pulled a muscle in my upper arm and lost all the strength there. I landed rough since I couldn't flair all the way and had thought I re-dislocated it, but the doc said there was no dislocation. It sure felt like it at the time. The sensation happens when I first go into my arch, raising my arm above my head and outward in a quick motion. When working out at the gym, if i really work my arms, I can get the same feeling of a muscle (triceps) sliding up and down as I bring my arm up and rotate it back in a circular motion (as you sort of do when arching). The shoulder itself feels tight, and after a few examinations and x-rays, the docs say my shoulder is perfectly fine. My second jump went great, but on my third, the same thing happened. I had an immensely painful sensation in my right upper arm. When the canopy opened I could not bring my arm up past 90 degrees. I then felt a 'pop' (as if the muscle slid back into place), and though it was sore, had my full range of motion back, though my strength was diminished. The docs say they cannot find anything wrong, but I'm afraid to continue for fear of the same thing happening and not being able to do my pull. I've been exercising my arms, shoulders, and back to build up the muscle and flexibility there, but am wondering if anyone else has had this issue and can shed a little more light on it than the docs seem to be able to. Is this just a pulled muscle, or is there actually something else that may be going on? Maybe a pulled muscle or something loose that gets aggravated by that particular motion? Any extra help would be great. I can't wait to get back into the air. Also, I did another tandem before I started the static lines and can sustain my arch easily once in freefall. It's just when I have to exit the plain and make that backwards motion after letting go of the strut that this keeps happening. Thanks in advance everyone and safe diving to you all!