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Everything posted by freeflyerno

  1. Hmmm...looks to me like some people here are trying to make the CYPRES into an ASTRA. You know, with the ability to turn it off once under canopy --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  2. Or, let's make sure that most skydivers get as much information as possible concerning AADs and make them able to make an informed choice about whether to use one or not. That's my preference. Ofcourse YMMV. --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  3. That may be it. I don't know the design of the Cobalt as I've never been close enough to one to check it out. I know the "envelope" thing works for the PD canopies I've dealt with, but haven't personally tried it on anything else. --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  4. I should have updated that webpage a long time ago, as I've been getting recurring questions about those "envelopes" I actually use the "sideways" reinforcement tape at the attachment point for the pilotchute bridle to create these. If you grab the reinforcement tape right at the attachement point (just as you would the handlebar on a bike) and let your hand move out towards the side of the pack-job, you can make an "envelope" out of it with your four curled up fingers. By stuffing all the excess fabric inside these and making the two reinforcement tapes allign underneath your pack-job, everything will stay closed and you can hold it in place with just one hand as you S-fold it. Hope that helped. If not let me know and I'll try again, and again, and again
  5. That's almost exactly how I was taught and i teach it. Works well for meand others! What can I say. If it works, it works What is it that you do differently btw? --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  6. Here's something I put together quite a while back. Since I started doing it this way I have never looked back Hope that helps a little. --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  7. Perhaps because the Voodoo from RI is up there. No other company is represented twice either. Just a thought. And yes, I do like my Talon 2 --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  8. I believe the quote he's referring to is: --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  9. So you can then know to turn the camera back on in freefall? OK if you are just freeflying I suppose - but you'd probably be a bit stuffed if you were filming FS or a tandem. Yeah, still haven't forgotten while filming FS or tandems. Knock on wood!
  10. PM hooknswoop, we have one of each and he has no problem getting them closed off and the reserve being tight and flat rather than bulgie like 90% of the ones that I have seen. As you can see from the picks my reserve top flap is nice and flat, and the tab doesn't bend at all to get into the slot. You misunderstand me. I don't have a problem getting the flap nice and flat. It's just that I want the two grommets to stay together to get as little canopy fabric as possible (or none, like other rigs) next to the closing loop. I don't like seeing lots of fabric around that, as the first thing I think of is "fabric burns". I know it's been done for ages like this, but I still don't like it. --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  11. Gotcha. So this doesn't actually pinch down the center of the freebag, but rather just makes it easier to keep the T-bodkin in place? Gotta get me a way to pinch down the center. Damn I hate those Vectors and Mirages --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  12. A couple of other things I'd recommend that haven't been mentioned yet: Do get some kind of light indicator. I use a CamEye II and it's been a dear friend right after exit Do relax your neck. If you tighten up the neck-muscles your image is more likely to shake Do make sure you get an appropriate mount for the camera. Do get a chin cup if you're gonna use an open-face helmet (ie. mindwarp, N-vertigo). It will make it a lot easier to aim, as the helmet is always in the same position after putting it on. I just use an adhesive circle ("hole-protector" thingie) inside my goggles, while my buddy uses a laser, adjusts, uses a laser again, adjusts again, etc etc DON'T let the camera be the main focus on your first jumps with it. Just have it along for the ride to get used to it (having it on without actually turning it on is a good way of ensuring this in the beginning) Have fun!
  13. I'd say wmv for the quality vs size. 7.3MB for a 3 min video at 355 kbit/sec (see voss.wmv in the misc section) ain't too bad, and I can live with the quality. YMMV --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  14. Anyone got a picture of this on the web? Can't picture it in my head. It's probably because it's 5:30am and I just got off from work, but still
  15. Have they started making molar bags for it yet? Yes, "Inside the reserve, the G4 adds a Parapak molar bag for ease and consistency of packing. The G4 retains the well-respected Mirage reserve pilot chute." Quote from Mirages website. About time --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  16. You haven't been to some of the more progressive dropzones around then. Some actually allow students to jump lightly loaded Stilettos if they show very good canopy control. I wouldn't trust them not to reach the vertical velocity needed for the Student CYPRES. Are you talking about the Student CYPRES or the Expert CYPRES? Big difference in the two. You ofcourse mean "lower rate of speed", right? --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  17. Like the other guy said; if it counts down to zero it's good to go then and there according to Airtec. Problem is, you don't know whether it will be good to go the next day. Sure, the countdown stops to let you know the voltage of the battery, but that's no guarantee of it having enough voltage the next day. If all you're concerned with is whether it works or not, regardless of say battery life, then yes a startup will let you know that. But again, that's only then and there and does not guarantee that it will work the next time you start it. --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  18. Have they started making molar bags for it yet? --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  19. Is this a common thing taught to students these days? It's not something we teach our students, but I tell licensed skydivers that it's a nice way to remember to check their gear. Like I said; "the three threes, three times" I usually do it once after donning my gear, once after take-off, and once before the the door opens. I may do it more often, but try never to do it less than that. --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  20. Do a full line-check after each time. This is the only way to be sure you haven't done something wrong. If the canopy is in the bag the whole time you won't know until you open the bag, either by jumping it or while on the ground. --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  21. You shouldn't need a rigger for this. All those parts belong to the container/harness and are therefore compatible by default. Whether the canopy will fit the bag or not has to do with container vs canopy compatibility, nothing else. You shouldn't get a different bag to make the canopy fit the container, but rather a different container, or canopy. --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  22. It's part of "the three threes, three times" --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  23. Glad to see that you haven't grown up quite yet Next time find something hard for me to do..oh, wait. I was suckered into that one, wasn't I My "gjestebok" should be pretty straight forward. There are three buttons at the top of the page. One is to search, the other is the number of posts displayed in the window at a time, and the last is to post a message. See if you can figure out which is which --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  24. Sorry, didn't know it was a bag best left closed --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers
  25. My first question is; why have you limited yourself to just these two rigs? There's quite a gap between those two, especially in price, and there are several rigs out there that fill that gap. Others have mentioned Genera (which is Rigging Innovations' equivalent of the Dolphin), Wings and Infinity. There's also the Talon2 (or is it 3 now), which should be in the middle somewhere. All the latter three are rigs that should be freefly-friendly at a "reasonable" price. If you're going "high-end" like the Javelin you have a much wider spectrum of rigs to choose from. Mirage, Vector 3 and the Voodoo, to name three. Why don't you consider any of these and option? I believe that you are limiting yourself too much by choosing between only the Dolphin and the Javelin, but perhaps you have some criteria for your rig that I don't have for whatever I'll be choosing next. One last note; always see what gear people jump before you take their "advice" about gear choices all the way. I'd say that more than 90% of all people will recommend the brand they're currently jumping. A lot of these recommend it not because it's that much better than everything else out there, but because it makes them feel better about their own rig. All IMHO ofcourse --- Unanswered questions are far less dangerous than unquestioned answers