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Everything posted by rygon

  1. rygon

    Holy guacamole!

    Dont be fooled...its actually a midget woman living in a midget house
  2. lol my family think im going through a "phase" of depression and low self esteem because Im trying to kill myself by jumping. a memorable quote by my mum was "youve done 10 jumps...havent you got it out of your system yet. Why dont you try golf with me and your dad instead"
  3. just having a guess here but im sure google maps/ live maps can help a lot if you are jumping at a new place. with me just starting ive used the maps to see the biggest closeup i could get ..just to see how it looks...then go out a bit to see the surrounding area then a bit more off..with the motorway being approx >4miles away from the dz i can locate it within 10-20 secs at my pull time (5000k) helped once when i didnt know which way i was facing and became disorientated until i saw the motorway Also another question..im guessing normally ppl like to turn one way or another when landing (either right or left of the spot)...does this make much difference to your attitude towards landings if you are forced (by dz fules or by obsticles) to land the weaker way
  4. lol yeh my lvl 9 says: Not that good an exit but enjoyed view of the plane...
  5. I know at Hib (uk) they wont count electronic logs as theres no proof it was you doing it but more importantly it doesnt give any info like where you jumped what u were doing, conditions, landing etc. Ive done 11jumps...my AFF lvls 1-4 where written by my instructer and then the rest was written by myself and signed by an instructer just for info my 7th jump went like this jump No: 7 Date: 19/7/07 place: Hib aircraft: G92 Equipment Nave 290 Altitiude: 15000 Delay: 60 Aff L7 Good Alc Drills. Good set up in door and exit , can put a bit more arch on. Good backloop. Relax signal. 2x360 turns very good. 1st track very good. 2nd track with turn very good. no more work signal @ 6k and pulled @ 5k. Well done AFF L7 pass, consols next then instucter signature
  6. I always say "how do you know the planes perfectly good??...Im taking a proactive approach just in case"
  7. only on a purely mathematical situation (never had any in my 11 jumps) im guessing the spinning part would have contributed to either the twists not being perfect in length with the lines or the deployment not being perfectly straight (ie you where not travelling perfectly downaward..thus causing a horizontal inertia) im guessing your instructer (if u had one) would be able to solve the problem...is it possible you have moved when you deployed (could you see the the horizon moving) persoanally its easy to say what wrong when peeps say what happened but its totally different when its you in the air thinking "what the fuck" and i guess i'd do what ive been trained to do..whatever the situation.
  8. ive got AFF lvl 8 left to jump (done 4 consols) and if i learnt anything from any dvds etc it wouldnt have helped me with me aff lvls...listen to your instructors and try to be as relaxed as poss (it does wonders) and i found listening to ppls attitudes rather than technques at the dz helps ..instructrors are trained to get you skydiving whereas others can only say how they felt and what they did
  9. lol at the ppl saying that the uk mag is much better as we have a few ppl in the uk saying its shite...always the same stuff never enough so and so etc being a student i dont undertand all of wahts put in the mag (nor the politics) but i enjoy reading the article every month on a certain technique (this mnth spotting, last mnth sit flying)..cant do either yet but im sure its going to come in handy...also every dz has a area to put what been happening in their area..im sure most of it is not that news worthy to the majority but for the ppl ppl who is there it is good ( i got a mention of doing my 1st freefall...means fuck all to everyone else but it was important to me) but as said in many issues the reason the same dz or expertise is getting so much coverage is because its the same ppl whos putting in the stories/photos ...if they had more stuff then they would put it in ... so maybe its worth entering your own stuff a few times and then complaining if it isnt in rarther than do nothing and still complaining
  10. i found this article to be great help http://www.ukskydiver.co.uk/cms/content/view/141/82/ To me if you body position isnt right before you flare, then you are going to have problems
  11. I doubt you can tell how you are going to react in an alien situation like your 1st skydive, but if you can think clear when things go wrong (whether it be at home, work or when driving etc) then you will have an appreciation of it. My 1st skydive was AFF level1 and I reacted to every signal my instructers gave me... pulled myself and landed well (even if it was on my arse). Yet i couldnt remember much about it at all due the the speed things where happening and the sensory overload. level 2 was pretty much the same and after that it got better and now i can remember everything as clear as i would with normal activities in life
  12. gonna say ..5 tandems..thats where you went wrong..i did my 1st jump as AFF lvl 1..gf and a prospective gf later and its definately been worth it good luck mate and im sure you will enjoy it all (just dont talk about it to your mates...they will get bored easily ;) )
  13. ive only done 11 jumps so pls dont listen to me for advice..i'll just give me my own experience 1st of all im 5'8 and weigh 11st..my 1st 8 jumps have been on a nav 280 and only downsized because a) astudent (ie AFF lvl1-7) needed the rig and b) i have done 6 stand up landings with 3 jumps on the nav240 (at hibalstow btw) ive landed all 3 standing up..yet i know that i havent learnt as much as i can from that canopy..personally i feel comforable with it and reckon i could land something smaller if i wanted to but i dont...I want another say 10 jumps on this + a canopy couse to learn how to handle it properly before jumping anything smaller The way i see it i'd rather be looked at as someone slow/pussy etc (which isnt going to happen at my dz) the be scared shitless riding a canopy im not experienced at playing with (fuck it could kill me...why bother) also at the mo im a scaredycat with adjusting anything...i have my chest strap loose enought to fit say 2 hand in when standing p straight and my leg straps not so tight that its cuttin off blood. when im under canopy i like my leg straps half way between my dick and my knees...i feel comfortable with that...but sometimes i cant do that if ive tighten them to much ...so being uncomfortable isnt the end of the world...then again if you kill youself doing something someone else said will be personally id rather take small steps than bigguns and aslo your post has helped me quite a bit and im glad it hasnt changed into the normal..."what the fuck are you on about youve obly had xx jumps" Its great to see a (to me) good question answered properly
  14. its like saying the maths behind his working is rubbish because hes missed out a lot ..yet he puts it in to words that ppl understand and need to know..yeh hes missed stuff out but the stuff he has isnt going to affect anything hes taught To my psychology is basically watching ppls behaviour then working out why they behave like this...they way i would go about it is see how i feel when i jump ..then ask others how they felt etc and build a bigger picture. His buzzwords may not be perfect but as the maths part..theyre good enough for us lot what i got out of it the most is f your scared you make mistakes...and youre only scared if you havent forseen what can happen...therefore practise every continguincy and you'll be ok And also never exceed your limit Hell most of the stuff he talks about is common sense if you think about it.. but having it down in writing makes you think of it and helps to think that someone has gone though the same experiences (and hurt themselve, done stupid things etc) and is writing down to help others. also i wouldnt mind you posting (or pming) me the stuff you gf disagrees with...im not out to disprove germains or hers theory...just quite interested in the subject and would like to know more if thats ok
  15. the way i see it (being a newbie and all) is like a funfair ride...everything is nice and easy when you not moving but as soon as you are being pushed up down left and right its hard to tel exactly where you are...im sure most ppl in that situation wouldnt even try to get themselves near the door to open let alone jump out...that sort of situation ppl are going to be fearfull and the human brain will want to into fight or flight mode...that sort of thing will 90% of the time (im guessing) put you into flight mode...yet you have nowhere to go so you curl up and hope for the best (seeing that the Gs are keeping you there) ITs really like losing control of you car then trying to bale out..not only have you the guts to jump out without knowing where you are going to land but the physical strength to do it
  16. my 1st solo was my 1st AFF jump. Bad weather the week before stopped me from jumping then a couple of weeks later the instructor said "happy you know what to do? ok get your stuff we're jumping" very excited to hear that but got quite nervous when i was on the plane...going through the drills with the instructors helped calm me down. Door opened. I got looked out, then down, then thoughts like "how the fuck did i end up here" and "shit it doesnt look real" next thing i hear "are you ready to skydive!!!??) adrenaline kicks in "hell yeah!!. Check In, Check Out, Wingtip Ready Set Goooooohhhhshittttt" Once i was falling straight down i took a few deep breaths, and got on with it. Landed, went back to the rigging stores and then i shook like a leaf and my mind was working 10 to the dozen due to the buzz Not the same buzz 10 jumps later but it still brings a big grin to my face that last hours
  17. never used them for skydiving as of yet but have some for work. I have used the foam ones before and although they are good at blocking the noise it seems to remove higher frequencies more than the lower giving a muffled sound. I now have some custom made ones (which work paid for :) ) and they seem to keep the frequencies in balance but quieter. So everything sounds exactly the same just not as loud.
  18. i bought "how to cook" by jamie oliver which shows you what type of utensils there are and whats best and also different ways of cooking food (got a fair few recipes as well) http://bbc.co.uk/food has some great recipes and tips (try the take on the takeaway) start of simple and work from there ie: cook pasta. Drain and add tin of chopped tomatoes, baked beans (in tomato sauce), black pepper, rosemary, basil, cooked garlic sausage. diced onion (fried) and mix together heat up serve and add grated cheese on top. (add a chilli if you like it hot) another i like making is cooked rice with cheese sauce, onion, brocolli, pieces of chicken from a roast chicken and boiled egg chopped up. Just make sure you buy quality knives and keep them very sharp (easier to use safer that way)
  19. we brits measure distances in miles yards and feet. (with roads, fencing etc) but furniture and small stuff is measured in cm and mm.
  20. maybe its also because you have a new hobby and feels that she has been left out (you doing something exciting whilst she is at home bored). Does she have any hobbies she can do on her own/with kids, whilst you skydive??. Then maybe have a go at each others hobby once a month
  21. our student kit has a RSL (reserve staticline lanyard). So when you cutaway your main canopy is removed, which automatically pulls your reseve pin, deploying your reserve. Even though this happens we still get taught to pull the reserve handle just incase the RSL doesnt work. Theres a few types of nuisances in which you can rectify and others (malfunctions) in which you will have to cutaway. I was taught "if in doubt cut away". You instructor will teach you all of this until you are happy with the procedures and what to look for but it may be worth d/l ing the SIM manual http://www.uspa.org/publications/SIM/2007SIM/SIM.htm
  22. I get nervous when i havent jumped for a while (been 4wks since my last jump ) and i the way i feel more relaxed is to go over my EPs touching my handles and visulising. Also having a look around and seeing the smiles on everyone elses face helps. By the time im at the door, a couple of deep breaths and then jump helps. If you can break each part of the skydive down into little steps and reherse each one i find that it makes the jumping out a bit easier (all i have to do is wingtip ready set jump and that parts over with)
  23. Im guessing it the same in america where if you dont skydive for a certain period then you have to retake a level or 2..so if it is closed for winter that could be a problem...as i said hough thats only a guess if someone could clarify that.
  24. Yeh i agree with the jumping with others part. Being a student and getting through aff levels 1-7 in 7 jumps and now on consols jumping on my own it is going to be hard to determine how i am falling. Ive done 1 consol with my instructor and even then i needed to adjust my legs from what i thought was right, due to the fact that with so little experience im not quite there with body position.
  25. i had that too. I read the instructions, refreshed the page (as i dint knwo how to get out of the instruction page) and then it had a picture that i could interact with