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Everything posted by rygon

  1. hia ya and welcome to the site. Guess you will be asking for AFF levels for your 18th then
  2. filmed it for laughs i guess
  3. the way i see it, time costs money..if they are helping out then I expect to buy them a beer at least. You are going to save money by packing yourself at the end of the day. When i come to learning how to pack i will ask my instructor what is the best way to go about learning..then take his advice, but i dont expect ppl to help me because im entitled to it (as im not)..just a bit of common curtesy will help ppl go far (although at the moment ive never heard anyone whinging about anyones lack of help etc)
  4. my dz teaches "look, locate, peel, cutaway, reserve, arch" 1 hand one each handle
  5. My 1st jump (aff level 1) was a sensory overload. Jumped out good..did everything they expected, pull time came and just as i was about to wave off i came into a little bit of cloud haze..which stopped me in my tracks..saw the finger telling me to pull and i manged it just as the instructor was starting to pull my arm back. Canopy opened fine, and then it took me a fair few seconds to remember what to do (grab toggles..now where the fuck are they) Rest of it was uneventful until i got into the packing area then my arms started shaking so much i couldnt get the rig off...had to stand there for a while...relax and then have another go...but thats when it hit me (i knew in my mind how the rig came off but the rest of me didnt understand what to do). Also once out of the plane and looked at the alti i saw the dials and numbers but couldnt come up with how height until 4th jump (just shouted "x thou ft"..knew the insrtuctors couldnt hear me lol). It gets easier over time...i felt the overload to some degree until jump 5 then after that it has quickly disapeared. You just need willpower to keep at it against your better judgement ;)
  6. I found having someone on the ground near me was a great way of judging the distance. As said as well look more forwards than downwards as it helps judge the height better. I found this article helped me as well for getting the body position right http://www.ukskydiver.co.uk/cms/content/view/141/1/ By getting th body position right it keeps the canopy balanced and also allows your legs to act more of a shock absorber. With these to in mind when you land you can adapt more quickly to the speed you are moving in relation to the ground, giving a better chance for a stand up landing. Also i was told that if i did find myself veering to, say, the right a bit. Its better to put more left toggle brake than it is to take off the brake on the right toggle. Remember to complete the flare and keep it until you are on the ground stationary.
  7. Ive done my level 7 and now going through consoles before i do my hop and pop. My consoles consist of jumping out, counting to 10 (1000, 2000 etc) and then doing a practice pull. That way i know how much spare time i have after i have got stable before my practice pulls. The way i see it is its all in the exit, so get lined up in the door. deep breath relax jump out sideways (present to wind) and arch. Once you are out theres not much else to do except relax and arch until you are stable. Im sure once you have done the jump you will be kicking yourself for not doing it sooner.
  8. My 1st jump was AFF lvl1 and i had no clue what to expect which made it a little easier. My second jump was by far the worst feeling whilst getting to altitude....had so many emotions running though my by the end of my 1st jump i didnt know whether to stay at it or not...in the end i decided to do my AFF and see how it feel afterwards. So my 2nd jump i felt so nervous thinking i will muck it up etc that i was too negative even when the jump went fine. Afterwards i realised that im doing this off my own back for fun so i should just enjoy it...whether i pass or not i have still made a jump. With that attitude i was a lot calmer and enjoyed it more.
  9. Although ive never done any tunnel training, the ppl ive talked to who have had problems with AFF levels have said that its helped them a lot. 1st of all it takes the pressure away from the whole jumping out of the plane and canopy control, so you can concentrate on the freefall aspect, and that as its such a small area, your body position will have to be that much better. Meaning in the air you will be that much better. Also it works out cheaper than doing another retake. Good luck in whatever you choose
  10. well done so far. Just remember to take deep breaths..clear your head and relax...keep those thighs up and straighten your toes more than you think you need. A c ouple more jumps and you should be good enough not to need any signals. With regards to the 90 turns remember to turn with your elbows and not body (dont look too far around with your ehad as this will turn your body as well...putting you in the opposite direction) If you do turn the wrong way, stop the turn, arch, big deep breath and try again Good luck
  11. I find those exercise balls (the lightweight ones you blow up) good for doing back exercises. Glad you had a good jump.
  12. i always thought it was about the beer
  13. rygon

    pick up lines

    it aint gonna suck itself luv
  14. yeh i know the feeling...i bore my mates with all my jump news..
  15. I think if you want to be doing the AFF level 1 first because of the positives of level1 (ie. freefall on your own, more responsibilty) rather than the negatives of a tandem (trusting someone else to pull) then AFF is the best thing forward. Im guessing that if you cant trust someone strapped to you then its going to be very hard to jump out trusting 2 instructor to help you on the way down. I did AFF level 1 fist as i wanted to enjoy the freedom of falling on my own, and im glad i did. Now finished level 7 (without failing any levels) and waiting for the weather to get better to do my consoles. ps I found my 2nd jump a lot more nerve racking when in the plane, guessing as i knew what to expect
  16. My friend wanted to know if you could see the rain going upwards once you was above the clouds
  17. I doubt my thought process was working 100% when i first jumped...Have never done a tandem, just went straight onto AFF level 1. I practiced my EPs until i knew exactly what i was to do, but with the rush of the 1st jump etc i would have been hoping that it would be second nature and i would have to think too hard. With regards to landing i also felt like i didnt know enough. Turns out that there isnt too much to know anyway (for your 1st jump anyway) and a lot of it is just getting the feel of the winds and getting back to the dz. Just remember to check your canopy (is it big, rectangle, free from defects)...if No to any of these then EPs. If its ok then take a deep breath, relax and grab your toggles...3 practice flares and then look around you (objects in air, on ground, find dz). Go to holding area (halfway between where you are now and dz) and then have a little play with your canopy until you are at 1000ft approx, run to the dz then at 500' turn...300' turn again into wind, 10' flare. That was all i knew and i thought it was too little but when the canopy opened and i was to steer myself i felt more confident (plus the radio contact helped).
  18. maybe it didnt save it or was inputted wrong...easiest thing to do is click the edit profile link at top and put it in again. where to start...well the worlds your oyster...have fun
  19. ive been told that you dont need anything for your 1st jump. After that gloves and googles (clear not tinted) for your second and anything else can wait until you have finished your AFF
  20. ive only done 4 jumps. Didnt know what to expect with the 1st as i had never jumped before. Just remember if you are struggling to stay upright just arch (meaning shove your hips out not just your back) and you will be fine. All you have to do is remember the signals, 3 practice pulls (and one real one) and you will be fine. When you jump remember to keep the arch and straighten your legs much more than you think is needed. Have fun
  21. well not much the jumping off...more landing safely. Never done a tandem myself but i think jumping out on your own is a whole different kettle of fish plus the rush comes not only from the height/speed you are jumping but what you do in that time... my last jump (aff level 4) i managed to guide myself down where i missed the spot by only a couple of feet (and stood up) I think its like driving a car and being a passenger. totally different experiences
  22. does anyone else think it looks like lisa simpson giving head
  23. then again why does it have to be a cylinder...why not have it as a bowl (ie half a sphere) This will save digging and gravel costs work it out... v = ((pi/3)y^2)(1.5d-y) v = volume y = 0.5d (half a sphere) d is the diamter of sphere
  24. make sure you rest 24hrs after running. Theres nothing worse than setting your sights too high, running 3-5 times a week for a couple of weeks then find you start getting pains because you havent reseted enough. (i did that and it stopped my running for 3wks before i felt comfortable enough to start up again) Take it easy and only do as much as you can at 1st (no real goals) just get back into the rhythm and breathing correctly. For warming up...maybe a bit of skipping to start with and stretches like touching your toes to start with. Afterwards do 5-10mins of stetches (ie splits where you stetch to one leg, next leg then touch both legs) one leg over the other (whilst standing up) and touch the ground. hamstring stretches..then do some upper body stretches.