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  1. I didnt know if this is the right way to post my thoughts but i guess it will work. the first time i actually remember danny was the time back in '03 i was going on one of my aff levels. nervous and sacred to death i was going over my dive in my head when i looked over and there was a guy studying a LAW BOOK! @ 10,000' here i was, cant remember crap and this guy, later to find out it was danny page, is studying law. it gave me a great sense of calmness. for that i thank you danny! i met my wife that same era and took some time off. well my wife and i got back into the sport. we sold danny our 50" sony lcd T.V. and found a rig for heather. he knew i didnt have a rig so the very next week-end here comes danny calling me too his truck."here man, heres a complete rig minus a reserve" just gave it to me!!! it is an old racer w/ a swift 170. i still have it too. i tried to give him some $ for it but all he wanted was for me to give it to someone such as myself when i got some newer equipment. this is who he was. i dont believe he wanted anyone w/ the passion to sit around wishing they were in the air. i'll have a hard time giving this rig up one day but i will pass his passion along to some young jumper just as he did for me. p.s. no more fighting over who gets to sleep in mandy and daves camper now! ha-ha love ya man todd and heather