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Everything posted by Ducky

  1. Ducky


  2. I had a sneaky feeling you would find your way into this thread Mike I will be in contact with you about getting my reserve taken care. The option for an alternate drop off location sounds great. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  3. I second the vote for Queen and Crescent. I have stayed there twice, not bad. They can be found/booked on any of the internet travel sites and tend to be MUCH cheaper this was way. If your up for a good bargain on nice hotels check into getting signed up w/ Harrahs rewards club. Then book a hotel room through them. they uasually charge anywhere from $79-$129 at 3 different hotels in the French Quarter area. As for true B7B there are TONS in New orleans and from my sisters' stories you almost can't go wrong w/ them. She has frequented Nawlins for over 15 years. I myself get there 2-3 times yearly. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  4. I think perhaps this thread has taken some turns in the worng direction. I didn't at anytime intend to or even contemplate jumping my rig w/ an out of date reserve knowingly. It's not as though I was schemeing on how I could get away with it. As for my gear slipping into disrepair only 4 days after the exp. date doubtful. Especially since I take great care inspecting my gear. I agree w/ Billvon that it is more like driving w/ an expired registraion or inspection sticker. Which I have done w/o realizing before only to recieve said registration a week late in the mail and be reminded I had been illegally driving all week. In the instance discussed about my reserve I did know that my reserve was coming up for a repack, I even considered leaving it w/ a rigger the last time I was at a DZ. Unfortunately I was not at my home DZ. My home DZ is 1.5 hours away and just dropping it off is not practical. I more recently have been splitting my time between DZs, but would still prefer one rigger to maintain my gear. I do not see a reserve repack in the same light I see getting my drycleaning done. The rigger at the new DZ I have been going to is probably quite capable and knowledgeable, yet I KNOW the one I have used til now is. If for no other reason I have one save under one of his pack jobs (thanks Mike). I'm not sure why I feel the need to explain in such deatil excpet that it seemed this thread was perceived in the wrong way. Perhaps more likely the case people failed to read the original post or the entire thread and only the responses instead. My original question was asking how the situation would have been received had I not realized/remembered my reserve was out of date. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  5. So perfectly written I feel the need to stand and applaud. This coming from a guy who works and lives in a VERY interantional city. A guy who speaks spanish, writes and photgraphs for a Latino newspaper and website , which he helped the owner (an immigrant from Peru) start. A guy who at his "day" job deals w/ immigrants legal or not on a daily basis and is often forced to be bi-lingual to get the job done. Come walk in my shoes for a day or two and see how ya feel about the language thing. I have a great scenario in mind: Lets say as the summer busy season at the DZs is upon us that a majority of your tandem and aff students are now recent immigrants with little or no english skills. Furthermore said students have no desire to learn the english langauge. Who is crying foul now? I think some skydiver's would be going hungry, some would adapt as I have (but w/ resentments) and others new greeting would become G-day mate. Let the flame begin.... kwak kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  6. Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  7. My post is about that I nearly made the mistake of jumping a reserve 4 days out of date. I however caught my mistake and did not do so. I think irresponsible or careless would be someone who would knowingly jump an out of date reserve. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  8. Ducky

    NEW AAD!!!

    I would hope that the manufacturer would handle like most any other does and issue a recall to correct the problem. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  9. Then what would you call it? I'm not sure I follow?? What would I call what? kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  10. Well yes obviously like I said it's not like the thing would have exploded on my back or anything. I was more curious about how this action would have been received by others. I have no desire to be viewed as a careless or irresponsible skydiver as i am far from it. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  11. Ducky

    NEW AAD!!!

    New batteries every 4 years , but not a factory "maintenance". Suits me fine. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  12. What happens if you unknowingly jump w/ a reserve that is outta date??? I know you won't turn into a pumpking and it won't explode... Perhaps a lil background on why I ask is in order.... So it's been a bit slow at work this week and looks like I might finish up early tomorrow. Based on this information I did what any sane skydiver did I made plans to jump the second I found out. It seems free time is gettin harder to come by these days. Anyways I get everything all lined up w/ plans to get to bed early, to work early, out early and airborne early. One problem, I forgot my reserve repack expired this past Saturday. I admitted defeat and realized I can't jump. Watched the weather thinking I would only be sickened, but saw it will most likely rain so it's not too bad. Question is; say I went and jumped tomorrow and then at the end of the day I realize oh shit my reserve is past due. I then take it to my rigger who says "Hey, weren't you jumping this today??" Do I get beaten w/ a powertool? choked w/ a pullup cord? owe a case of beer or what?? I know I could search through my SIMS and find the answer, but I think this forum might be a good place to raise this discussion. I was also curious of a more real world outcome of my near screw up. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  13. Ya probably seen it before, but still funny to me.... This is an actual letter sent to a bank in the United States. The Bank Manager thought it amusing enough to have it published in the New York Times. Dear Sir: I am writing to thank you for bouncing my check with which I endeavored to pay my plumber last month. By my calculations some three nanoseconds must have elapsed between his presenting the check and the arrival in my account of the funds needed to honor it. I refer, of course, to the automatic monthly deposit of my entire salary, an arrangement which, I admit, has only been in place for eight years. You are to be commended for seizing that brief window of opportunity, and also for debiting my account in the amount of $50. by way of penalty for the inconvenience I caused to your bank. My thankfulness springs from the manner in which this incident has caused me to rethink my errant financial ways. You have set me on the path of fiscal righteousness. No more will our relationship be blighted by these unpleasant incidents, for I am restructuring my affairs in 2003, taking as my model the procedures, attitudes and conduct of your very bank. I can think of no greater compliment and I know you will be excited and proud to hear it. To this end, please be advised of the following changes: I have noticed that whereas I personally attend to your telephone calls and letters, when I try to contact you, I am confronted by the impersonal, ever changing, pre-recorded, faceless entity which your bank has become. From now on I, like you, choose only to deal with a flesh-and-blood person. My mortgage and loan repayments will, therefore and hereafter, no longer be automatic, but will arrive at your bank, by check, addressed personally and confidentially to an employee at your branch whom you must nominate. You will be aware that it is an offense under the Postal Act for any other person to open such an envelope. Please find attached an "Application Contact Status" which I require your chosen employee to complete. I am sorry it runs to eight pages, but in order that I know as much about him or her as your bank knows about me, there is no alternative. Please note that all copies of his or her medical history must be countersigned by a Notary Public, and the mandatory details of his/her financial situation (income, debts, assets and liabilities) must be accompanied by documented proof. In due course I will issue your employee a PIN number which he/she must quote in dealings with me. I regret that it cannot be shorter than 28 digits but, again, I have modeled it on the number of button presses required to access my account balance on your phone bank service. As they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Let me level the playing field even further by introducing you to my new telephone system, which you will notice, is very much like yours. My Authorized Contact at your bank, the only person with whom I will have any dealings, may call me at any time and will be answered by an automated voice service: Press buttons as follows: 1. To make an appointment to see me. 2. To query a missing payment. 3. To transfer the call to my living room in case I am there. 4. To transfer the call to my bedroom in case I am sleeping. 5. To transfer the call to my toilet in case I am attending to nature. 6. To transfer the call to my mobile phone if I am not at home. 7. To leave a message on my computer, a password to access my computer is required. Password will be communicated at a later date to the Authorized Contact 8. To return to the main menu and to listen to options 1 through 7. 9. To make a general complaint or inquiry. The contact will then be put on hold, pending the attention of my automated answering service. While this may on occasion involve a lengthy wait, uplifting music will play for the duration of the call. This month I've chosen a refrain from "The Best of Woody Guthrie: "Oh, the banks are made of marble, With a guard at every door, And the vaults are filled with silver, that the miners swatted for." On a more serious note, we come to the matter of cost. As your bank often pointed out, the ongoing drive for greater efficiency comes at a cost which you have always been quick to pass on to me. Let me repay your kindness by passing some costs back. First, there is a matter of advertising material you send me ths I will read for a fee of $20 per page. Inquiries from the Authorized Contact will be billed at $5 per minute of my time spent in response. Any debits to my account as, for example, in the matter of the penalty for the dishonored check, will be passed back to you. My new phone service runs at 75 cents a minute. You will be well advised to keep your inquiries brief and to the point. Regrettably, but again following your example, I must also levy an establishment fee to cover the setting up of this new arrangement. May I wish you a happy, if ever-so-slightly less prosperous, day? Your Humble Client, I.M. Pistoff kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  14. Menage+1 kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  15. An Atlanta resident here... Gun toating redneck???? Not quite, last i checked ATL was quite metropolitan. As for Gun, YES several. Toating??? nope, but I do carry concealed with a permit. Anyways...... I have no strong emotional feeling for any of our state flags. Though recent debates and arguments have gotten me interested. I think the entertainment value alone is priceless. I have to side with anything that has the Rebel flag on it just to piss off the morons who argue against it. See they are not morons for their feelings or opinions, rather the way the go about explaing them. Imean for creeps sake can't people find one intelligent spokesperson for their cause?????? I recently had a guy approach me at a gas station trying to hutle some change out of me. When i ignored/refused his line was>>> "don't you feel like ta owe a brother a penny or 2 for what your garndaddys did to mine?" WTF????? I couldn't help but laugh in his face. Does this make me racists?? Perhaps if you consider utter f*ckin idiots a race! kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  16. I will be at a friends annul Lua, a NEVER miss party on Saturday, but will be jumping either Sunday or Monday. Only catch is it will not be at Skydive Atlanta. ASC is having a Boogie that weekend. Since it is still my home DZ I will be heading for that if I jump on Sunday. Kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  17. Call me crazy, but I am unable to see how it is possible to compare the entry of our troops into Baghdad to the Chinese Army entering a U.S. city. I suppose if someone felt they needed to be liberated from the horrors of our terrible country then yes they would raise that Chinese flag in welcome. Our gov't is not jailing our children who refuse to fight. The last I checked our borders and the streets out of our major cities are still open 24hrs a day to allow exit (unlike Iraq). I suppose though it is possible that we need to be "liberated" by the Chinese. I do not however see the sense in waiting if this is how you feel. I'd be willing to pay for the ONE way plane ticket to China for ANY U.S. citizen who feels that we need to be "liberated". It would save me the headache of defending my country and rights against this possible liberation and the traitors who support or see the need for it. No need to loot military compunds to arm myself either if it ever came to that, i am prepared. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  18. Hmmm Now I have a question...... What does being a USPA licensed skydiver get ya at the bargaining table of an Army Recruiter???? kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  19. That commercial is hilarious, it's not new though. It came out for the superbowl. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  20. Helpful Beer Troubleshooting Guide SYMPTOM FAULT ACTION Feet cold and wet. Glass being held at incorrect angle. Rotate glass so that open end points toward ceiling. Feet warm and wet. Improper bladder control. Stand next to nearest dog, complain about house training. Beer unusually pale and tasteless. Glass empty. Get someone to buy you another beer. Opposite wall covered with fluorescent lights. You have fallen over backward. Have yourself leashed to bar. Mouth contains cigarette butts. You have fallen forward. See above. Beer tasteless, front of your shirt is wet. Mouth not open, or glass applied to wrong part of face. Retire to restroom, practice in mirror. Floor blurred. You are looking through bottom of empty glass. Get someone to buy you another beer. Floor moving. You are being carried out. Find out if you are being taken to another bar. Room seems unusually dark. Bar has closed. Confirm home address with bartender. Taxi suddenly takes on colorful aspect and textures. Beer consumption has exceeded personal limitations. Cover mouth. Everyone looks up to you and smiles. You are dancing on the table. Fall on somebody cushy-looking. Beer is crystal-clear. It's water. Somebody is trying to sober you up. Punch him. Hands hurt, nose hurts, mind unusually clear. You have been in a fight. Apologize to everyone you see, just in case it was them. Don't recognize anyone, don't recognize the room you're in. You've wandered into the wrong party. See if they have free beer. Your singing sounds distorted. The beer is too weak. Have more beer until your voice improves. Don't remember the words to the song. Beer is just right. Play air guitar. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  21. Ducky

    Donations Page

    I sent ya some bail money brotha!! kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  22. hee hee funny one! Reminds me of a lil story about my first solo that I posted here last Feb.>> "My AFF didn't cover anything regarding spotting.... So on my first solo when i ended up being first out someone yellled door, i looked out (apparently at nothing) and said seeya, exit! I couldn't figure out why I was so far out when i opened at 4,000. I flew straight into the wind the whole way back never turned even on approach. I made it into the landing area by about 15ft. Later someone approched me and explained the whole green light red light concept to me. I had never noticed the damn lights cuz students were always the last off and all i knew about was separation. Within minutes I approached a few AFF-Is and told them the story they both were sympathetic and admitted that they forget those minor details sometimes. It was a good learning experience though, and without a walk! I spotted the next 5 loads and was even asked by my coach to tell the pilot in which ways to adjust jump run on a few. " kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  23. I think this about says it all... After all war never solved anything!!!!!! Well ok, nothing except Slavery, Facism, and Nazism. Kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  24. Do you realy believe that everyone on e-bay actually has the merchandise they list for sale??? Now the factthat someone would list these things true or not is plain sick I agree. Perhaps the sickest part is that if there wasn't a possible market for these things there would be no merchants. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????
  25. Ugggghhh..... nah F%ck it, nevermind. kwak Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????