Made me first jump yesterday after 28 years of delay since my last jump. I have been kicking myself since for waiting so long. I MISSED being in the air.
The difference between yesterday and 28 years ago is amazing. Didn't hang off a strut {though that's not a bad thing} but stepping out the door, falling stayed pretty much the same except for wind resistance of a few more pounds, but after opening was different. The square flew where I pointed it { It was a 290 so I wasn't screaming across country} though it seemed like it to me, but it was a LOT better than the 28' round 7TU that I had last jumped, with it aiming in a direction was a mere suggestion to go that way.
The BEST thing was being around skydivers again.
Thanks to Jack,Woody and Vic at Skydive Atlanta!!!
And Thanks to Bob my Jumpmaster 28 years ago.