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Everything posted by IEJuggalo

  1. ...lame. Gimme the bag and the bucket of water! I'll do it and be proud of it. But flying two jumbo jets into buildings and empty Pennsylvania fields is ok? Dumbass.
  2. does happen. Most try to soften it up though. What I can't stand is the "Captain Obvious" approach. "where were you on that one buddy...haha?" Some people are dickheads and I am not afraid to call one out on this type of shit. Usually they don't fuck with you anymore.
  3. ...Stupidest question ever. LOL The word"stupidest" is pretty stupid too.
  4. ...ah Timmy, you are the man I need to speak with. Are you heading to Perris tomorrow? If not, PM me your #.
  5. ...I will never forget this day as long as I live. What an awful day. Never forget the feeling of ALL the people completely stopped, staring at the TV with their jaws on the floor. Never forget the anger and unity we felt in the days after. I have NEVER seen so many American flags flying around, ever. What a horrible day. We should all take a moment to reflect. Godspeed...
  6. ...if anyone has NETFLIX, I was able to rent it a month ago. I love NetFlix.
  7. ...amazing. I hope this thread lives on forever. I love it.haha.
  8. ...anyone have any photos of the operation there? DZ, hangar, plane? Just curious when it opened, closed, and some history.
  9. ...only if that truck could tell stories. Jesus Christ.
  10. ...when I started Skydiving, I called these "DOOR DEMONS". God damn, they would get so far under your skin, it would make me sooo fucked in the mind. I used to have dreams of the door when I started. For some reason, I got to do my first hop n pop before my release dive. I know, stupid, but I'm still here. After that, my head screamed "FUCK THAT DOOR. LET'S GO!!!" Door Demons are not nice things to have, but they will leave sooner or later. P.S. That guy that is not afraid at all, stay the fuck away from me.
  11. ...a persons right? Really? Gimme a break. Something has to be done and I am all for reform. But to give it to people that dont take care of themselves, or take risks as we do? I'd like to be the first to piss all over that idea. Thats like saying "when every person turns sixteen, they get a new car." ??? doesn't make sense does it? I love this great country of ours, but I see a grim future ahead if his runaway train can't be stopped.
  12. ...ever seen these? This might be fun when the green light is on...
  13. ...Jim Wallce. I guarantee the best and most knowledgeable people in skydiving. They are really good with people skills also.
  14. ...Sunday morning, the wife and I are going to do our first balloon jump. SOOO STOKED! Any stories of your first jump? P.S. I of beer.
  15. can be done. My brother got his full 25 jumps in 6 days. I think he slept for a week. Just let the DZ know you are coming. Jim wallace hooked it up down in Perris. Great job guys and girl (Gail Sims).
  16. ...stop feeding the sharks. FOOLS. Moderator, you should think to delete threads such as this until an open case is CLOSED. To all the others...STFU, both sides.
  17. ...anyone here jump in Mollala or Eagle Creek? My little brother lives up on the coast (Newport) and is a new jumper. He flew down and got his A license in six days. Yes, all 25. He loves to jump, but is having a difficult time meeting new jumpers. He thinks no one wants to jump with a jumper with so little experience. Is there anyone here that is a safe solid jumper that wouldnt mind taking him under your wing and teaching him some safe and solid techniques? I am not looking for some hot shot with 100 jumps, but someone that puts safety and procedure first? I know this is kind of a strange thread, but am looking to keep him in the sport and to stay safe. Thanx.
  18. ...they need a big sticker that says "NO STICKERS". Classic.
  19. ...broken windows, fence falling down, overgrowth. Depressing. ;^(
  20. ...Wally, I would find no reason to argue with simplejack. I felt the same way for a while, and sometimes still do. After that place closed (though we werent there long), I moved on to other DZ's (Perris, Elsinore, Taft) and they just didnt have what I was looking for. Cal-City had more to offer than Skydiving. I could pull in with my toy hauler at 10:30 on a friday night and knew someone was going to be in area 51 drinking beer around the alien-egg shaped fire pit. I could get drunk and sleep under the front tire of the otter, just to make sure I was up to catch the early bird (5:00am). If you were on the early bird and bought three jumps, the fourth was FREE. WTF? you heard me right. I still jump, but its not why I started jumping. Met some really cool people that I never see anymore. Andy White, Joey Preston, Lori Hudjens, Tony Kekahuna, Bob & Judy Celaya, Jim Gold, Dave Barlia, Ken Thompson, Daisy (Tony's dog, R.I.P. Daisy), Tree, Black Kevin ( I didnt know black folk jumped from planes. This one does.) Mikey, Mike, Dave, ZigZag himself. Lets not forget Robert. He always had a smile on his face, an all around nice dude, the only guy I knew that could burn egg's. I could go on, and on. Skydiving no longer has the aspect's that drew me towards it. I miss all you weird fuckers.
  21. ...god damn I miss that plane. Hey, does it still rattle like a mother fucker in the floor when it starts to take off? My first jump was in that otter, scared the fuck out of me. Second was from that 206. I love the paint job by the way. Hey Timmy, at least the peckerhead legacy lives on. Love the peckerhead. Oh and no guns? How about hand cannons? BRING HER HOME!
  22. ...watching my dog "Kua" do it right now. she gets loud sometimes. I love her, she is only 6 months old and has been doing it everyday since we got her.
  23. ...I hope you have better gear than transportation! Good luck finding the bike. I got jumped for mine when I was 16, at least you didnt get a black eye out of it.
  24. Been there, done that, got the broken ribs to prove it... once was enough!!! See what I mean!?! That and bungee. And I HATE horses. grew up on a ranch. A good horse is a dead horse. Obsolete.