I have a katana 97 loaded at about 1.8, and did 20 or 30 WS jumps with it, I never have had a twist with this canopy, but I have about 250 WS jumps and my opening pattern is really sure and constant.
I think the katana openings are better than the mamba openings.
But in order to have a bad surprise with the katana, I pulled higher (about 1000-1100 m)
I also have a pilot 104, my previous canopy (before katana) that I kept for WS, but I didn't switch my 2 canopies on my rig because of good opening of the KA.
And now that I have a velocity, I will use my pilot for WS jumps, which is really well done for WS jumps and I can pull lower (800-900 m) without bad surprise. If I Can't Have a JAVELIN, I'm not jumping !
Gravity is our only engine, Speed is our only friend.
Ils flottent, ils flottent tous en bas et bientot tu flotteras aussi